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You seem a little blue today. What's the matter?().A. I am a little sad.B. It doesn

You seem a little blue today. What's the matter?().

A. I am a little sad.

B. It doesn't matter.

C. It's been a difficult day.

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阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”错误写“F”。Meetings are very common


Meetings are very common nowadays. They can be weekly, monthly or annually. Some people think most meetings feel like a waste of time. They seem pointless and boring at times.

Then how do you run an effective meeting?

First, assign roles, such as greeter, timekeeper and note taker, so that you, the organizer, can be free to lead discussions and presentations.

Next, take charge from the start. Everyone will listen to you and join your discussion if you take charge in every aspect of the meeting. Show everyone that you really know what you are talking about, and everything that you talk about is useful.

Most important of all, follow the agenda. At the end of the meeting, spend a little extra time for the participants to discuss anything that needs to be immediately discussed but which may not have been on the agenda.

Always ask the participants questions to speak their minds and keep them interested. Remember that a good meeting is a two-way communication. Be open to everyone's opinion, ideas, and suggestions. Don't forget to thank them for the ideas they present.

And finally, close the meeting with everyone knowing what is expected of them and what they should do for the following weeks.Then, send out meeting minutes within a few days, while everyone still remembers the points.

1. A successful meeting should have different people to play different roles. {T、F}

2. Generally people only discuss the items listed on the agenda in a successful meeting.{T、F}

3. An unsuccessful meeting might be full of single-way communication. {T、F}

4. When the meeting is closed, it means there is nothing to do in the following weeks. {T、F}

5. Minutes should be sent out to the participants within a month after the end of the meeting. {T、F}

Friends become a child's chosen family. If his social life is going well, he gains confide
nce. If he has trouble connecting, it hurts and can make him feel sad and withdrawn and lonely.

1. Help your child communicate. Naturally outgoing kids have an easier time expressing their interest in other children than shy ones do. But you can help build this skill through practice. Ask your child about his favorite games and toys. Praise him for specifics when he shows interest in other people: "You were so nice to let Roger talk about his little dog. I am proud of you."

2. Keep play short and sweet. Parents should keep early play dates short, so no one gets too fired and everyone has fun. Schedule the next one soon after that, so kids can quickly build on their comfort foundation.

3. Know your child. If your child is bossy, talk with him and agree before hand on which toys will be shared and which ones should be put away because your child just can't seem to share them. If you have a shy child, match him with a younger child so he has a chance to be the leader.

4. Help your child help others. Encourage your child to be a better friend by helping him include others in play. If you see someone being excluded, don't ignore it. This is an opportunity to work on your child's ability to understand others. "Rachel is being left out. That must make her feel very sad. Can you think or a way to include her in the game?"

5. Help your kids help themselves. If your child is the one who's being ignored or treated badly, teach him to speak up.

Which word can best describe a child who is good at connecting?





Text 3 Of all the components of a good night’s sleep, dreams seem to be least within our

Text 3

Of all the components of a good night’s sleep, dreams seem to be least within our control. In dreams, a window opens into a world where logic is suspended and dead people speak. A century ago, Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears; by the late 1970s, neurologists had switched to thinking of them as just “mental noise” -- the random byproducts of the neural-repair work that goes on during sleep. Now researchers suspect that dreams are part of the mind’s emotional thermostat, regulating moods while the brain is “off-line.” And one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help us sleep and feel better, “It’s your dream,” says Rosalind Cartwright, chair of psychology at Chicago’s Medical Center. “If you don’t like it, change it.”

Evidence from brain imaging supports this view. The brain is as active during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep -- when most vivid dreams occur -- as it is when fully awake, says Dr, Eric Nofzinger at the University of Pittsburgh. But not all parts of the brain are equally involved; the limbic system (the “emotional brain”) is especially active, while the prefrontal cortex (the center of intellect and reasoning) is relatively quiet. “We wake up from dreams happy or depressed, and those feelings can stay with us all day.” says Stanford sleep researcher Dr. William Dement.

The link between dreams and emotions show up among the patients in Cartwright’s clinic. Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night, progressing toward happier ones before awakening, suggesting that they are working through negative feelings generated during the day. Because our conscious mind is occupied with daily life we don’t always think about the emotional significance of the day’s events -- until, it appears, we begin to dream.

And this process need not be left to the unconscious. Cartwright believes one can exercise conscious control over recurring bad dreams. As soon as you awaken, identify what is upsetting about the dream. Visualize how you would like it to end instead; the next time is occurs, try to wake up just enough to control its course. With much practice people can learn to, literally, do it in their sleep.

At the end of the day, there’s probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams at all unless they keep us from sleeping or “we waken up in a panic,” Cartwright says. Terrorism, economic uncertainties and general feelings of insecurity have increased people’s anxiety. Those suffering from persistent nightmares should seek help from a therapist. For the rest of us, the brain has its ways of working through bad feelings. Sleep -- or rather dream -- on it and you’ll feel better in the morning.

31. Researchers have come to believe that dreams ________.

[A] can be modified in their courses

[B] are susceptible to emotional changes

[C] reflect our innermost desires and fears

[D] are a random outcome of neural repairs



Ellis:Good morning!Dr Ellis office.

Jackson: (1) .May I please speak with the doctor?

Ellis:Mrs Jackson.Dr Ellis here.How&39;s that new tooth?

Jackson:Not so good,doctor.That&39;s what I&39;m calling about.It just doesn&39;t seem to fit fight.

Ellis:Well,that&39;s to be expected during the first few days after it has been put in.Have you been leaving it in as I told you?

Jackson:Well, (2) ,doctor,especially when I eat.

Ellis:I understand,Mrs Jackson.It hums in the beginning,I know.But it&39;s really better to leave it in,except when you clean it,of course.

Jackson:Well,I did it first,doctor,but my jaws hurt so much that I just couldn&39;t (3) .

Ellis:Well,maybe we can adjust(调整)it a little more.

Jackson:Adjust it?

Ellis:Yes, (4) ?

Jackson:Oh,fight away,doctor,if you don&39;t mind.

Ellis:Let me see, (5) ?

Jackson:Oh,yes,doctor,I can make it.Thank you.See you then.








根据以下资料,回答1~20题。 Aristotle defined a friend as "a single soul dwelling in two bo
dies". Member of Facebook whose "friends" reach triple figures may have a looser definition, but how many friends we have, and how easily we make, 63 and lose them, has a significant impact on our 64 well-being. It's no surprise, then, that friends can improve just about every aspect of our life. A recent study says that the recovery from a surgery included, incredibly, a 65 in the level of pain felt by patients with the most friends. 66 , friends can protect us from the aftershocks of bereavement (丧失亲人) or 67 They don't even have to be great friends-some of the 68 effect is simply down to the company: have a pint with a mate and you' e by definition not socially 69. Some friendships seem easier than others. "Some need little contact and are low maintenance, but you always pick up 70 them where you left off," says educational psychologist Karen Majors. "There ere are friends you're just more comfort- able with. Others may be more interesting, but they may be more offended. Really good friends don't take 71 . Friendships can end because they stop being 72 . You may take different 73 , have different experiences, which make it harder to maintain a riendship." We first recognise the importance of friends in childhood, 74 we're not really sure how to make them. While some of us may 75 a few childhood friends, the biggest oppor- tunity for friendship comes in higher education. A study of long-term friendships found that friendships formed during college years stayed clothe 20 years later, if they 76 highly in closeness as well as 77 to begin with. These friend- ships 78 great tistances and an average of six house moves. "At college you can 79 close friendships because you're in such close 80 for sustained periods," says Glenn Sparks, Purdue's professor of communication. "These relation- ships are rare and hard to 81 ; they're very unusual outside family relationships Even when distance, jobs, family tended to pull them apart, these friends would say that 82 they re- established contact, they didn't miss a beat." 请在第_____处填上正确答案. A) separate B) mairttain C) exchange D) interact

Not too many decades ago it seemed "obvious" both to the general public and to sociologist
s that modem society has changed people's natural relations, loosened their responsibilities to kin and neighbors, and substituted in their place superficial relationships with passing acquaintances. However, in recent years a growing body of research has revealed that the "obvious" is not true. It seems that if you are a city resident, you typically know a smaller proportion of your neighbors than you do if you are a resident of a smaller community. But, for the most part, this fact has few significant consequences. It does not necessarily follow that if you know few of your neighbors you will know no one else.

Even in very large cities, people maintain close social ties within small, private social worlds. Indeed, the number and quality of meaningful relationships do not differ between more and less urban people. Small-town residents are more involved with kin than big-city residents. Yet city dwellers compensate by developing friendships with people who share similar interests and activities. Urbanism may produce a different style. of life, but the quality of life does not differ between town and city. Nor are residents of large communities any likelier to display psychological symptoms of stress or alienation, a feeling of not belonging, than are residents of smaller communities. However, city dwellers do worry more about crime, and this leads them to a distrust of strangers.

These findings do not imply that urbanism makes little or no difference. If neighbors are strangers to one another, they are less likely to sweep the sidewalk of an elderly couple living next door or keep an eye out for young trouble makers. Moreover, as Wirth suggested, there may be a link between a community's population size and its social heterogeneity. For in- stance, sociologists have found much evidence that the size of a community is associated with bad behavior. including gambling, drugs, etc. large-city urbanites are also more likely than their small-town counterparts to have a cosmopolitan outlook, to display less responsibility to traditional kinship roles, to vote for leftist political candidates, and to be tolerant of nontraditional religious groups, unpopular political groups, and so-called undesirables. Everything considered, heterogeneity and unusual behavior. seem to be outcomes of large population size.

Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the first paragraph?

A.Two contrasting views are presented.

B.An argument is examined and possible solutions given.

C.Research results concerning the quality of urban life are presented in order of time.

D.A detailed description of the difference between urban and small-town life is given.

You don’t seem very about the party, don’t you want to go tonight.()





What you are doing ______ very important in your work.A.seemedB.seemsC.seemD.is to seem

What you are doing ______ very important in your work.




D.is to seem

--You seem to have learned all the new English words by heart.-- ______.A.So I doB.So do I

--You seem to have learned all the new English words by heart.-- ______.

A.So I do

B.So do I

C.So I have

D.So have I


A.You looks so excited

B.You look so excited

C.You seem so excited

You seem to take a keener interest in the subject has ever been shown before.A.thanB.which

You seem to take a keener interest in the subject has ever been shown before.





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