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Over the past decade,many companies had perfected the art of creating automatic behaviors-

Over the past decade, many companies had perfected the art of creating automatic behaviors-habits-among consumers. These habits have helped companies earn billions of dollars when customers eat snacks or wipe counters almost without thinking, often in response to a carefully designed set of daily cues.

"There are fundamental public health problems, like dirty hands instead of a soap habit, that remain killers only because we can't figure out how to change people's habit," said Dr. Curtis, the director the Hygiene Center at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. " We wanted to learn from private industry how to create new behaviors that happen automatically. "

The companies that Dr. Curtis turned to-Procter & Gamble, Colgate-Palmolive and Unilever-had invested hundreds of millions of dollars finding the subtle cues in consumers' lives that corporations could use to introduce new routines.

If you look hard enough, you'll find that many of the products we use every day-chewing gums, skin moisturizers, disinfecting wipes, air fresheners, water purifiers, health snacks, teeth whiteners, fabric softeners, vitamins are results of manufactured habits. A century ago, few people regularly brushed their teeth multiple times a day. Today, because of shrewd advertising and public health campaigns, many Americans habitually give their pearly whites a cavity- preventing scrub twice a day, often with Colgate, Crest or one of the other brands.

A few decades ago, many people didn't drink water outside of a meal. Then beverage companies started bottling the production of far-off springs, and now office workers unthinkingly sip bottled water all day long. Chewing gum, once bought primarily by adolescent boys, is now featured in commercials as a breath freshener and teeth cleanser for use after a meal. Skin moisturizers are advertised as part of morning beauty rituals, slipped in between hair brushing and putting on makeup.

"Our products succeed when they become part of daily or weekly patterns", said Carol Berning, a consumer psychologist who recently retired from Procter & Gamble, the company that sold $76 billion of Tide, Crest and other products last year. "Creating positive habit is a huge part of improving our consumers' lives, and it's essential to making new products commercially viable. "

Through experiments and observation, social scientists like Dr. Berning have learned that there is power in tying certain behaviors to habitual cues through ruthless advertising. As this new science of habit has emerged, controversies have erupted when the tactics have been used to sell questionable beauty creams or unhealthy foods.

According to Dr. Curtis, habits like hand washing with soap______.

A.should be further cultivated

B.should be changed gradually

C.are deeply rooted in history

D.arc basically private concern

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更多“Over the past decade,many comp…”相关的问题
It can be concluded that______.A.raising the world's temperature only a few degrees would

It can be concluded that______.

A.raising the world's temperature only a few degrees would not do much harm to life on earth

B.lowering the world' s temperature merely a few degrees would lead many major farming areas to disaster

C.almost no temperature variations have occurred over the past decade

D.the world's temperature will remain constant in the years to come

It can be concluded thatA.raising the wodd’s temperature only a few degrees w.ould not do

It can be concluded that

A.raising the wodd’s temperature only a few degrees w.ould not do much.harm to life on earth

B.lowering the world’s temperature merely a few degrees would lead many major farming areas to disaster

C.almost no temperature variations have occurred over the past decade

D.the world’s temperature will remain constant in the years to come

Public education suffers from what can be diagnosed as the sickness of an overgoverned soc
iety. This sickness denies many parents control over the kind of education their children receive. The power once held by parents has gravitated to professional educators. The sickness has been aggravated by increasing centralization and bureaucratization of schools. Which of the following, if true, would weaken the claim that there is continuing erosion of parents control over their childrens education?

A.As a result of community pressure, growing numbers of school administrators follow recommendations made by parents.

B.The number of professional educators has risen sharply over the last decade even though the number of students has declined.

C.Parents" organizations that lobby for changes in school curriculums are generally ineffectual.

D.More members of school boards are appointed by school administrators than are elected by the public.

E.The use of state-wide curriculum programs increased in the Untied States during the past two decades.

The American love of sports (11) to a pitch never before known. (12) the middle of the cen

The American love of sports (11) to a pitch never before known. (12) the middle of the century we were practically without sports and even until some fifteen years ago there (13) very little enthusiasm aroused by sports (14) the fever that has within the past decade and a half swept over the country.

(15) the passionate fervor has been increasing,and the coming season promises to be the most enthusiastic of all.

(16) England the Romans brought their sports;then the Saxons and the Normans added others,and there were football matches and archery games.

In 1618 King James I issued a book of sports stating what sports were (17) after church service on Sundays;but intense anger was (18) among those who strictly observed the principles of the Bible,and in 1644 the Long Parliament ordered the book (19) by the public executioner,and all sports forbidden or strongly (20) .

A. have raised

B. has raised

C. have risen

D. has risen

Judging from countless media reports in newspapers from coast to coast, it would surely seem that we have finally got a handle on the Nation’s crime problem. The most recent FBI release of crime statistics for 1995 revealed a welcome drop in violent crime, including an 8 per cent decline in homicide. (46. After four straight years of lower crime levels, some crime experts and law enforcement officials have even dared boldly to suggest that we’re winning the war against crime.)

Though recent trends are encouraging, at least superficially, there is little time to celebrate these successes. It is doubtful that today’s improving crime picture will last for very long. Most likely, this is the calm before the crime storm. (47. While many police officials can legitimately feel gratified about the arrested crime rate — better that it be down than up — there is much more to the great crime drop story.) Hidden beneath the overall drop in homicide and other violent crime is a soaring rate of mayhem among teenagers.

(48. There are actually two crime trends ongoing in America — one for the young and one for the mature, which are moving in opposite directions.) Since 1990, for example, the rate of homicide committed by adults, ages 25 and older, has declined 18 per cent as the baby boomers matured well past their crime prime years. At the same time, however, the homicide rate by teenagers, ages 14 to 17, has increased 22 per cent. Even more alarming and tragic is that over the past decade, the homicide rate at the hands of teenagers has nearly tripled, increasing 172 percent from 1985 to 1994.

Therefore, while the overall U.S. homicide rate has indeed declined in recent years, the rate of juvenile murder continues to grow, unabated by the spread of community policing, increased incarceration, and a variety of other popular crime-fighting strategies. (49. In the overall crime mix, the sharp decline in crime among the large adult population has eclipsed the rising crime rate among the relatively small population of teens.)

Trends in age-specific violent arrest rates for homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault confirm the patterns found in homicide statistics. Teenagers now exceed all age groups, even young adults, in their absolute rate of arrest for violent crime overall. Conventional wisdom in criminology — that young adults generally represent the most violence-prone group—apparently needs to be modified in light of these disturbing changes.

The causes of the surge in youth violence since the mid-1980s reach, of course, well beyond demographics. (50. There have been tremendous changes in the social context of crime over the past decade, which explain why this generation of youth—the young and the ruthless—is more violent than others before it.) Our youngsters have more dangerous drugs in their bodies, more deadly weapons in their hands, and a seemingly more casual attitude about violence. It is clear that too many teenagers in this country, particularly those in urban areas, are plagued with idleness and even hopelessness.

Over the past decade,many companies had perfected the art of creating automatic behaviors-

Over the past decade, many companies had perfected the art of creating automatic behaviors-habits-among consumers. These habits have helped companies earn billions of dollars when customers eat snacks or wipe counters almost without thinking, often in response to a carefully designed set of daily cues.

"There are fundamental public health problems, like dirty hands instead of a soap habit, that remain killers only because we can't figure out how to change people's habit," said Dr. Curtis, the director the Hygiene Center at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. " We wanted to learn from private industry how to create new behaviors that happen automatically. "

The companies that Dr. Curtis turned to-Procter & Gamble, Colgate-Palmolive and Unilever-had invested hundreds of millions of dollars finding the subtle cues in consumers' lives that corporations could use to introduce new routines.

If you look hard enough, you'll find that many of the products we use every day-chewing gums, skin moisturizers, disinfecting wipes, air fresheners, water purifiers, health snacks, teeth whiteners, fabric softeners, vitamins are results of manufactured habits. A century ago, few people regularly brushed their teeth multiple times a day. Today, because of shrewd advertising and public health campaigns, many Americans habitually give their pearly whites a cavity- preventing scrub twice a day, often with Colgate, Crest or one of the other brands.

A few decades ago, many people didn't drink water outside of a meal. Then beverage companies started bottling the production of far-off springs, and now office workers unthinkingly sip bottled water all day long. Chewing gum, once bought primarily by adolescent boys, is now featured in commercials as a breath freshener and teeth cleanser for use after a meal. Skin moisturizers are advertised as part of morning beauty rituals, slipped in between hair brushing and putting on makeup.

"Our products succeed when they become part of daily or weekly patterns", said Carol Berning, a consumer psychologist who recently retired from Procter & Gamble, the company that sold $76 billion of Tide, Crest and other products last year. "Creating positive habit is a huge part of improving our consumers' lives, and it's essential to making new products commercially viable. "

Through experiments and observation, social scientists like Dr. Berning have learned that there is power in tying certain behaviors to habitual cues through ruthless advertising. As this new science of habit has emerged, controversies have erupted when the tactics have been used to sell questionable beauty creams or unhealthy foods.

According to Dr. Curtis, habits like hand washing with soap______.

A.should be further cultivated

B.should be changed gradually

C.are deeply rooted in history

D.arc basically private concern

•Read the following article about career development and the questions on the opposi
te page.

•For each question 15-20,mark one letter(A,B,C or D)on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.

How to get to the top

Marketing used to be the route to the chief executive's chair,but the world has changed.Now,says Monika Hamori.professor of human resources at Instituto de Empresa in Madrid,it is finance chiefs who are most likely to get the top job,though experience in opera-tions-running parts of the companyis also essential.CFO Magazine found in 2005 that onefifth of chief ex-ecutives in America were former chief financiaI officers,almost double the share of a decade earlier.The importance of quarterly financial reporting,and closer scrutiny since the imposition of the Sarbanesoxley corporategovernance act,have put CFOs in the limelightand given them the chance to shine.

Another factor in reaching the top is whether you stay with the company you joined as a youngster.Ms.Hamori's research looked at companies in the S&P 500 and the FTSEurofirst 300.She finds that‘lifers’get to the top in 22 years in America and 24 years in Europe:‘Hoppers’who jump between four or more companies,by contrast,take at least 26 years on average to become chief executives.Insiders get promotions that reflect their potential,because their bosses have enough information to be reasonably confident about their ability.When executives switch from one company to another,however,they tend to move less far up the hierarchy,the researchers found.

The time taken to reach the top is falling.The average time from first job to chief executive fell from 28 years in 1980 to 24 in 2001.Successful executives are spending less time than they used to in each intermediate joban average of four yearsand they fill five posts on the way up.down from six.One reason for this acceleration is that company hierarchies are flatter than they used to be.Another important shift is the advent of female chief executives. 1n 2001 women accounted for 11%of bosses at leading American companies.ac-cording to the Hamori/Cappelli survey;in the early 1980s there were none.

America is usually regarded as the home of raw capitalism.with youthful managers hopping from firm to firm and pushing their way to the top.But the HamorL/Cappelli study and another by Booz & Company,a consultancy,show that Europe is a more dynamic and harsher environ-menl than America or Japan for chief executives.For a start,European chief executives are younger,with an average age of 54.compared with over 56 in America.The Hamor/Cappelli study shows that 26%of American bos-ses were lifers,compared with only 18%in Europe.

The Europeans also have a harder time once they get to the top.Booz & Company's annual survey of chiefexecutive succession shows that 17.6%of European bosses moved on last year.compared with 15%of Americans and 10%of Japanese.Chief executives.the survey found,last longer in America:the average tenure over the past decade was just over nine years.But in Europe the average tenure over the same period was less than seven years.

Moreover.a whopping 37%of changes at the top in Europe were more or less firings,according to Booz,compared with only 27%in America and 12%in Japan.Booz puts this down to the more recent tightening of corporate governance in Europe,Another Booz finding is common to both sides of the Atlantic:looking back over recent years,board disputes and power struggles lie behind a third of chiefexecutive firings.In short,shareholder activism is making its presence felt,putting pressure on bosses to perform.

What is true according to the first paragraph?

A.CFOs'hard work leads to their increasing chances of promotion.

B.CFOs usually have no experience in management.

C.Marketing directors no longer have the chance to get a top position.

D.Chief executives used to be promoted mainly from the marketing department.

Once somebody thought that air pollution affected only the area immediately around large c
ities with factories and heavy automobile traffic. Today, we know that although these are the areas with the worst air pollution, the problem is literally worldwide. On several occasions over the past decade, a heavy cloud of air pollution has covered the entire eastern half of the United States and led to health warnings even in rural areas away from any major concentration of manufacturing and automobile traffic. In-fact, the very climate of the entire earth may be affected by air pollution. Some scientists feel that the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the air resulting from the burning of fossil fuels (coal and oil) is creating a greenhouse effect—holding in heat reflected from the earth and raising the world's average temperature. If this view is correct and the world's temperature is raised only a few degrees, much of the polar ice cap will melt and cities such as New York, Boston, Miami, and New Orleans will be under water.

Another view, less widely held, is that increasing particular matter in the atmosphere is blocking sunlight and lowering the earth's temperature—a result that would be equally disastrous. A drop of just a few degrees could create something close to a new ice age, and would make agriculture difficult or impossible in many of our top farming areas. At present we do not know for sure that either of these conditions will happen (though one recent government report prepared by experts in the field concluded that the greenhouse effect is very likely). Perhaps, if we are very lucky, the two tendencies will offset each other and the world's temperature will stay about the same as it is now.

This passage is mainly concerned with______.

A.the greenhouse effect

B.the potential effect of air pollution

C.the burning of fossil fuels

D.the probability of a new ice age

根据以下内容回答题,There was one thought that air pollution affected only the area immedia


There was one thought that air pollution affected only the area immediately around large cities with factories and heavy automobile traffic.At present,we realize that although these are the.areas with the worst air pollution,the problem is literally worldWide.On several occasions over the past decade,a heavy cloud of air pollution has covered the east of the United States and brought health warnings in rural areas away from any major concentration of manufacturing and automobile tmmc.In fact,the very climate of the entire earth may be infected by air poilu-tion.Some scientists consider that the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the air resulting from the burning of fossil fuels(coal and oil)is creating a“greenhouse effect”——con-serving heat refleeted from the earth and raising the world’S average temperature.If this view is correct and the worid’s temperature is raised only a few degrees,much of the polar ice cap will melt and cities such as New York,Boston,Miami,and New Orleans will be in water. Another view.1ess widely held,is that increasing particular matter in the atmosphere is blocking sunlight and lowering the earth’s temperature——a result that would be equally disas-trous.A drop of just a few degrees could create something close to a new ice age,and would make agriculture difficult or impossible in many of our top fanning areas.Today we do not know for sure that either of these conditions will happen(though one recent government report drafted bv experts in the field concluded that the greenhouse effect is#cry possible).Perhaps,if we are lucky enough,the two tendencies will offset each other and the world’s temperature will stay about the same as it is now.

As Dointed out at the beginning of the passage,people used to think that air pollution__________ .

A.caused widespread damage in the countryside

B.affected the entire eastern half of the United States

C.had a damaging effect on health

D.existed merely in urban and industries areas

Since the US Agency for International Development (USAID) began its first HIV/AIDS prevent

Since the US Agency for International Development (USAID) began its first HIV/AIDS prevention efforts eight years ago, the epidemic has changed dramatically. HIV has spread to every region of the world. Millions of people infected with HIV during the first decade of the epidemic are developing opportunistic infections and other AIDS-related illnesses, and many are dying. Women and children are among those most vulnerable to HIV infection. As HIV prevalence and AIDS mortality soar, millions of children will lose their parents.

HIV/AIDS is having a devastating impact on the health and well-being of families, communities and nations worldwide. The epidemic's effects on the structure of societies and the productivity of their members undermine efforts to promote sustainable development around the globe.

USAID's approach to slowing the spread of HIV/AIDS relies on strategies tested and refined over the past eight years. At the same time, the Agency is moving forward to address new challenges posed by the evolving epidemic.

One of the important lessons learned during the past decade is that an effective response to HIV/ AIDS requires the full participation of people and communities affected by the virus. Although people living with HIV/AIDS are among the most successful advocates and communicators for prevention, too often their voices are not heard or heeded. Greater involvement of people living with HIV/AIDS is essential to creat the supportive political, legal and social environments needed to control the epidemic.

In December 1994 at the Paris AIDS Summit, representatives of 42 governments adopted resolution pledging greater support for networks of people living with HIV/AIDS. Before and during the summit, members of these networks worked with government and multilateral organizations, including USAID, to develop a plan for translating the words of the resolution into concrete action. The Agency is committed to ensuring that people living with HIV/AIDS are accepted in full partnership with governments, international organizations and the private sector in developing, implementing and evaluating HIV/AIDS policies and programs.

People living with HIV/AIDS and community-based organizations have been at the forefront of efforts to draw attention to the connection between compassionate AIDS care and effective HIV prevention. In the absence of a vaccine or cure, USAID continues to emphasize HIV/AIDS prevention. But as the number of people suffering from AIDS-related illness begins to increase dramatically, the Agency is also exploring ways to reduce the social impact of AIDS and enhance prevention efforts by integrating prevention and care.

The Agency will also continue to pioneer regional approaches to an epidemic that does not recognize national boundaries. Crossborder interventions throughout the world will target mobile populations, including migrant workers, tourists, traders, transport workers and people displaced by war, and social disruption.

Results from USAID-supported research on preventing HIV/AIDS in women, from microbiocide development to behavioral research on communication between men and women, will play a key role in slowing the rapid spread of the epidemic in the future. The Agency will continue to support research designed to strengthen programs for women and will move quickly to incorporate promising prevention methods into field activities. USAID will also work to reduce women's vulnerability to HIV prevention by promoting multisectoral efforts to improve their economic and social status.

Recognizing the growing threat HIV/AIDS poses to child survival, the Agency will support efforts to identify and test methods of preventing transmission from mother to child, such as Vitamin A supplements and other promising interventions. In addition, USAID will expand efforts to reduce HIV/ AIDS am




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