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Our window()Massachusetts Avenue, in the heart of Harvard Square.



C.good looks



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If you are writing or studying,it makes very much difference where the light comes from. P
eople who use books and pens every day have to be especially careful about the way the light shines on their work.

Every house gets its light either from daylight through the windows—which is the best to use—or from lamps or electricity;but whichever kind of light it is, the way it shines toward our book or work is a matter of great importance to the eyes.

Take a book,sit with your back toward the window,and try to read. Your shadow(影子)falls all over the page and makes it almost as bad for your eyes as if you were in a dark room.

Now turn around and face the window. The page is in the shadow again,while the bright light is in your eyes.

Try sitting with your right side toward the window. This is very well for reading, but if you were writing,the shadow of your hand would fall across the page and bother(打撹)you a little.

There is just one other way:sit with your left side to the window. Now everything is perfect for reading and for writing,too.

Whatever kind of light is in the room,the rule about the right to sit is always the same.

Which of the following is true?

A.How the light shines on our work is of much importance

B.The way the light shines on your work makes no difference

C.We needn’t care about where the light comes from

D.People can write or study under a light that comes from any direction

When you sit with your face towards the window,____.A.your shadow falls on your book

B.your book is in a shadow

C.the light is still dark

D.the light is on your page

The best way both for reading and for writing is to_____.A.sit facing the light

B.let the light shine from your back

C.sit with your right side towards the light

D.have the light come ffrom your left


Dreams are said to be the window to the mind. Through the study of dreams, we can catch gl
impses into what our subconscious minds are thinking, or what is troubling us at our deepest levels. Not all dreams me the same, however, either in content or in meaning. In this respect, the study of bad dreams, nightmares, can yield interesting observations in regard to the mind and status of the dreamer. Indeed, nightmares appear to have been the subject of far more studies than more pleasant dreams, if for no other reason that while pleasant dreams are easily forgotten upon awakening, nightmares tend to linger in our minds is sufficient to demand attention.

The sources of our dreams are most commonly attributed to factors in our waking lives. Whether it be emotional challenges, stress in the workplace, relationship problems or a myriad of other possible factors, the thoughts and feelings created in our waking environments are believed to directly influence the content of our dreams. A particular dramatic or traumatic experience during the day would no doubt be encountered again in some form. or another during the night.

Just as important as actual events in the determination of the content of our dreams are the preexisting beliefs that we hold. If we encounter some kind of phenomena in our dreams, it is very likely that we already believed in the possibility of the phenomena before the dream. For example, if someone dreams of being abducted by aliens, it's very likely that, before the dream, he already believed in the existence of aliens. To the extent that dreams are direct reflections of our minds, they will reflect accurately what we believe and hold to be true.

The way that we act in dreams bears consideration as well. Oftentimes, our behavior. in our dreams reflects hidden desires for that type of behavior. in our waking lives. Someone who dreams of revenge may actually desire revenge in real life, and likewise someone who dreams of adventure night after night may be experiencing his mind playing out a desire for more excitement in his everyday life.

While the items encountered in our dreams are of great importance in the analysis of dreams, it must be recognized and understood that the same item in two different dreams can easily have entirely different meanings for the two dreamers. For example, a home in the dreams of an avid equestrian can signify comfort and relaxation, whereas the same home in the dreams of a hunter can represent excitement and challenge.

Nightmares are mentioned in paragraph 1 in order to______.

A.give an introduction to the main subject of the text

B.give an example of one particularly vivid type of dream

C.provide a justification for the study of dreams

D.illustrate the value of analyzing dreams

Many times of an evening I would stand on the shore and looked out to sea, where a curious
phosphorescent(发 磷光的) green was changing to a transparent blue. Behind the camp the setting sun, like a flaming ball, painted the mountains purple and gold. The air was like champagne, and as we were in the Gulf Stream the weather was beautifully mild. While violent snowstorms were raging in England, we were enjoying the most perfect flying weather and a day which lasted for nearly twenty-four hours.

On leave for four days, Nobel and I drove across Scotland to the west coast and took the ferry (渡船) over to Skye. The small stone quay (码头) was spotted with shops; a bus was drawn up by the waterside, a hotel advertisement on its side. I looked at Nobel and he nodded. We had come pre-pared to be disappointed. But we had not driven far before the road gave way to a winding(蜿蜒的) track and the only signs of habitation(居住地) were a few crofters' (苏格兰小农场佃户的) cottages. It was evening when we drew up outside the Sligachan Inn at the foot of the Coolin Mountains. The innkeeper welcomed us and showed us our rooms.

From every window was the same view, gray mountains rising in austere(简朴的) beauty, their peaks hidden in a white mist, and everywhere a great feeling of stillness. The shadows that lengthened across the valley, the streams that coursed down the rocks, the thin mist turning now into night, all a part of that stillness. I shivered; Skye was a world that one would either love or hate. There could be no in-between.

"It is very beautiful, "said the landlord.

" Yes, " I said, " it's beautiful.

"But only mountaineers or fools will climb those peaks. "

" We're both fools, " Nobel said shortly.

"So be it. Dinner is at eight-thirty. "

We stood a while at the window. The night was clear and our heads felt clear and cold as the air. We smelled the odor(气息) of the ground in the spring after rain, and behind us the wood smoke of the pine fire in our room, and we were content. For these are the odors of nostalgia(乡愁), spring mist and wood smoke, and never the scent of a woman or of food.

We were alone in the inn save for one old man who had returned there to diet. His hair was white, but his face and bearing were still those of a mountaineer, though he must have been a great age. He never spoke, but appeared regularly at meals to take his place at a table tight-pressed against the window, alone with his wine and his memories. We thought him rather fine.

What was the weather like in Scotland at the time of this story?

A.It was very warm.

B.It was severely cold.

C.It was not really cold.

D.Snowstorms were raging across the land.

完成下列各题 A If you are writing or studyin9,it make
s very much difference where the light comes from.People who use books and pens every day have to be especially careful about the way the light shines on their work. Every house gets i ts light either from daylight through the windows--which is the very best to use--or from lamps or electricity:but whichever kind of light it is,the way it shines toward our book or work is a matter of great importance to the eyes. Take a book.sit with your back toward the window,and try to read.Your shadow(影子) falls all over the page and makes it almost as bad for your eyes as if you were in a dark room. Now turn around and face the window.The page is in the shadow again,while the bright light is in your eyes. Try sitting with you fight side toward the window.This is very well for reading,but if you were writing.the shadow of your hand would fall across the page and bother(打搅)you a little. There is just one other way:sit with your left side to the window.Now everything is perfect for reading and for writing,too. Whatever kind oi light is in the room,the rule about the right to sit is always the same. Which of the following is true?

A.How the light shines on our work is of much importance.

B.The way the light shines on your work makes no difference.

C.We needn't care about where the light comes from.

D.People can write or study under a light that comes from any direction.

The war was the most peaceful period of my life. The window of my bedroom faced south-east
. I always woke up with the first light and, with all the responsibilities of the previous day melted, felt myself rather like the sun, ready to shine and feel joy. Life never seemed so simple and clear and full of possibilities as then. I stuck my feet out under the sheets--I called them Mrs. Left and Mrs. Right--and invented dramatic situations for them in which they discussed the problems of the day. At least Mrs. Right did; she easily showed her feelings, but I didn't have the same control of Mrs. Left, so she mostly contented herself with nodding agreement.

They discussed what Mother and I should do during the day, what Santa Claus should give a fellow for Christmas, and what steps should be taken to brighten the home. There was that little matter of the baby, for instance. Mother and I could never agree about that. Ours was the only house in the neighborhood without a new baby, and Mother said we couldn't afford one till Father came back from the war because it cost seventeen and six. That showed how foolish she was. The Geneys up the road had a baby, and everyone knew they couldn't afford seventeen and six. It was probably a cheap baby, and Mother wanted something really good, but I felt she was too hard to please. The Geneys' baby would have done us fine. Having settled my plans for 'the day, I got up, put a chair under my window, and lifted the frame. high enough to stick out my head. The window overlooked the front gardens of the homes behind ours, and beyond these it looked over a deep valley to the tall, red-brick house up the opposite hillside, which were all still shadow, while those on our side of the valley were all lit up, though with long storage shadows that made them seem unfamiliar, stiff and painted.

The boy usually felt ________ early in the morning.





Please accept my greeting from New York.I am just beginning my graduate (研究院) studi

Please accept my greeting from New York.I am just beginning my graduate (研究院) studies here at this university. It is the third week of classes now. My roommate, Tom, is also a graduate student like me. He is studying biology (生物学). He is from Houston. We are now on good terms.

Our dormitory m going to buy one this afternoon. The view on the window is pleasant, and the weather is hot in the summer right now. It is about 38 degrees outside the room. But we have air conditioning in the room, so I feel OK.

How are you getting on? Are you still working on your paper now?

Please say "Hello" to those who have taught me. I miss all of you very much.


Wang Hui

6.Wang Hui is writing to her former teacher.



7.From the passage, we know that Wang Hui is a new graduate student in New York.



8.Tom is from Houston.



9.Wang Hui thinks her dormitory is too big.



10.Wang Hui is going to move to another room.



One summer evening I was sitting by the open window, reading a good science storybook. (79

One summer evening I was sitting by the open window, reading a good science storybook. (79)I was so interested in the story I was reading that I did not notice that it was getting dark. When I realized it was too dark for me to read easily, I put the book down and got up to turn on the light. Just then I heard someone crying, "Help! Help!" it seemed to come from the trees at the other end of the yard. (80)I looked out but it was now too dark to see anything clearly. Almost immediately I heard the cry again. It sounded like a child, but I could not imagine what anybody could be doing in our backyard, unless one of the neighborhood children had climbed a tree and had not been able to get down.

I decided that I should go out and have a look in the yard, just in case someone was in trouble. I turned on the light and found for myself a flashlight and a baseball bat in the room. I thought they might be useful. Armed with these, I went out into the yard. Once again I heard the cry and this time there was no doubt that it came from the trees at the far end of the yard. "Who's there?" I called out as I walked across the yard towards the trees. But there was no answer. With the help of my flashlight, I searched all over that end of the yard, including the branches of the tree. There was no sign of anybody or anything. I came to the conclusion that my imagination was playing tricks on me, probably because of the story I was reading about strange creatures on another planet.

Feeling rather foolish about hunting around in my own backyard with a baseball bat, I went back into the house and put the bat and the flashlight away. I had just sat down to read my book again when I was frightened by the cry of "Help! Help!" from right behind me. I dropped my book and jumped up. There, sitting on the table was a large green and red bird. It was my neighbor's parrot(鹦鹉)!While I was out in the yard, the parrot must have seen the light in the living room and come in through the open window.

One summer evening the author was reading by the open window because ______.

A.it was getting dark.

B.it was too dark for him to read easily outside.

C.he didn't mm on the light.

D.none of the above

It is easier to negotiate initial salary requirement because once you are inside, the orga
nizational constraints(约束) influence wage increases. One thing, however, is certain—your chances of getting the raise you feel you deserve are less if you don't at least ask for it. Men tend to ask for more, and they get more, and this bolds true with other resources, not just pay increases. Consider Beth's story:

I did not get what I wanted when I did not ask for it. We had cubicle(小隔间) offices and window offices. I set in the cubicles with several male colleagues. One by one they were moved into window offices, while I remained in the cubicles, several males who were hired after me also went to offices. One in particular told me he was next in line for an office and that it had been part of his negotiations for the job. I guess they thought me content to stay in the cubicles since I did nut voice my opinion either way.

It would be nice if we all received automatic pay increases equal to our merit, but "nice" isn't a quality attributed to most organizations. If you feel you deserve a significant raise in pay, you'll probably have to ask for it.

Performance is your best bargaining chip(筹码) when you are seeking a raise. You must be able to demonstrate that you deserve a raise. Timing is also a good bargaining chip. If you can give your boss something he or she needs(a new client or a sizable contract, for example) just before merit pay decisions are being made, you are more likely to get the raise you want.

Use information as a bargaining chip, too. Find out what you are worth on the Open market. What will someone else pay for your services?

Go into the negotiations prepared to place your chips on the table at the appropriate time and prepared to use communication style. to guide the direction of the interaction.

According to the passage, before taking a job, a person should ______.

A.demonstrate his capability

B.give his boss a good impression

C.ask for as much money as he can

D.ask for the salary he hopes to get

My husband and I were traveling in Africa. And we were staying in a government guest h
ouse which was sort of like a small hotel, but it wasn't a very fancy place. Anyway it was a very hot night that night. It was a very hot climate and it was really hot that night. We wanted to have the windows open, but the problem was we had everything we owned right there in the room. The windows didn't have any screens or anything. So anybody could just come right in and steal our things.But if we shut the windows, it would be impossible to sleep. It was way over a hundred degrees Fahrenheit or forty degrees centigrade.

So we decided to put a lot of pots and pans like that under the window. Then if a thief came in, the pots and pans would fall down and we would wake up. That's what we did. Anyway, we were asleep.

All of the sudden in the middle of the night, sure enough, I hear the pans crash.I sat up in bed. My heart was beating like anything. I could see that there was a man in a white robe standing up next to the bed. I tried to scream and I had laryngitis which means my voice wasn't working. And I was screaming in the local language for help. It was like "help help", but I couldn't scream.

So the man came over and he shoved me down on the bed. Then he says in English "be quiet." Then I realized it was my husband, huh… And when I was able to speak, I asked, "What are you doing"

He said, "well, I had a headache and I wanted to get up and get some aspirins."

1. Why did they want to sleep with the windows open Because ().

A. the windows didn’t have any screens

B. it was very hot there

C. they stayed on the first floor

D. there were no neighbors around

2. Why were they worried about leaving the windows open Because ().

A. they were worried about their kids

B. nobody opened the windows in the hotel

C. it was very windy in the late night

D. they were afraid of being stolen while they were asleep

3. How did they construct an alarm system ().

A. They called the police for help

B. They set the alarm clock in the bedroom

C. They put a lot of pans and pots under the window

D. They closed the window after a second thought

4. Who was the intruder who crashed into the pots and pans ().

A. It was the husband

B. It was a thief

C. It was their kids

D. It was the wife

5. What was the person doing in the darkness The person ().

A. was having a nightmare

B. wanted to take some medicine

C. was going to the toilet

D. wanted to have some water

Considering how jazz is transcribed in Chinese (jueshi) , you may be misled into assuming

Considering how jazz is transcribed in Chinese (jueshi) , you may be misled into assuming that it is an aristocratic cultural form. Nothing could be further from the truth. It originated among black Americans at the end of the 19th century, at a time when they occupied the very bottom of the American social heap.

So how has something that was created by a once downtrodden and despised minority acquired a central place in today's American culture? Mr. Darrell A. Jenks, director of the American Center for Educational Exchange, and also a drummer in the jazz band Window, analyses the phenomenon for us here.

Perhaps the essence of America is that you could never get two Americans to agree on just what that might be. After thinking about it for a while, we might chuckle and say, "Hmm, seems like being American is a bit more complicated than we thought. " Certainly things like individualism, success (the "American Dream"), innovation and tolerance stand out. But these things come together because of our ability to work with one another and find common purpose no matter how diverse we might be.

Some, like African-American writer Ralph Ellison, believe that jazz captures the essence of America. For good reason, for in jazz all of the characteristics I mentioned above come together. The solos are a celebration of individual brilliance that can't take place without the group efforts of the rhythm section. Beyond that, though, jazz has a connection to the essence of America in a much more fundamental way. It is an expression of the African roots of American culture, a musical medium that exemplifies the culture of the Africans whose culture came to dominate much of what is American.

That's right, in many respects America's roots are in Africa. Read Ralph Ellison's perceptive description of the transformation of separate African and European cultures at the hands of the slaves:

"…the dancing of those slaves who, looking through the windows of a plantation manor house from the yard, imitated the steps so gravely performed by the masters within and then added to them their own special flair, burlesquing the white folks and then going on to force the steps into a choreography uniquely their own. The whites, looking out at the activity in the yard, thought that they were being flattered by imitation and were amused by the incongruity of tattered blacks dancing courtly steps, while missing completely the fact that before their eyes a European cultural form. was becoming Americanized, undergoing a metamorphosis through the mocking activity of a people partially sprung from Africa. " (Ralph Ellison, Living with Music, pp 83-84).

Jazz brought together elements from Africa and Europe, fusing them into a new culture, an expression unique to the Americans.

Out of this fusion came an idea that we Americans believe central to our identity: tolerance. Both cultures represented in Ellison's passage eventually came to realize each other's value. Americans acknowledge that in diversity is our strength. We learn every day that other cultures and peoples may make valuable contributions to our way of life. Jazz music is the embodiment of this ideal, combining elements from African and European cultures into a distinctly American music.

Jazz reflects two contradictory facets of American life. On the one hand it is a team effort, where every musician is completely immersed in what the group does together, listening to each of the other players and building on their contributions to create a musical whole. On the other hand, the band features a soloist who is an individual at the extreme, a genius like Charlie Parker who explores musical territory where no one has ever gone before. In the same sense, American life is also a combination of teamwork and individualism, a combination of individual brilliance with the ability to work with others.






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