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---I hear you like your new job.--- ____________ it‘s rather boring.

A.on the contrary

B.in contrast

C.on the other hand

D.to the contrary

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更多“---I hear you like your new jo…”相关的问题
一Would you like to see the menu? 一_____________ A. No, thanks. I already know what t

一Would you like to see the menu?


A. No, thanks. I already know what to order

B. Your menu is very clear

C. I hear the food here is tasty

Are you applying for a part-time job or a full-time job______?

A、I prefer a full-time job

B、Sorry to hear that

C、I don’t like it

D、That’s OK

完成下列各选项 A Countless times in my life I've heard
“ I have the worst memory in the world.I meet some—one and,a minute later,forget his name.’’ Well,I have news for you.That is not always so.Sometimes you do not forget the name.You do not even hear it in the first place. Try to recall(回忆)the last time You met a stranger.The introduction probably sounded something 1ike this:“Mr·Jones,say hello to Mr.Fuzafumer.”What you heard was a mumble (嗫嚅)·The thing to do at this point is to say,“I'm sorry,I didn’t catch your name.” Most people think it isn’t polite to ask to hear a name again.I don't know why.If you make the slightest fuss(大惊小怪)over it,he or she will love you. Here ale five simple rules to help you remember names: 1.Be sure to hear the name. 2·Ask how the name is spelled.This forces you to pay attention. 3·Make a remark about the name—any remark.For example,“0h,I just met a person with the same name.”0r,“What is that name a derivative(派生词)of?”Whatever. 4·Use the name where it is possible during the talk. 5·Use the name again when you say good.bye. Remember this:anything that is meaningful is already half-remembered.Names like Flag,Hunter,Rivers,Armstrong already have meaning.But how will you picture.names like Bartosevitch ? Think of“bought a savage”.If you meet someone named Bill,picture a dollar bill.For Richard,picture someone being rich. The writer thinks that people________ .

A.don’t always forget other's names

B.don’t hear others’names

C.never forget others’names

D.have the worst memory

听力原文:IBS=Initial Business SuppliesLG=Lacey GraphicsIBS: Initial Business Supplies. Goo

听力原文:IBS=Initial Business Supplies LG=Lacey Graphics

IBS: Initial Business Supplies. Good morning. LG: Good morning. This is Lacey Graphics. I'd like to place an order, please.

IBS: OK, I'll just get an order form. Right. Now, It's Lacey Graphics?

LG: That's right We have an account with you.

IBS: Sorry. I didn't know. I'm new here.

LG: Oh, that's OK.

IBS: Could you give me your address, please?

LG: Yes, of course. It's Unit 5, Hailsham Industrial Estate, Hailsham.

IBS: And that's the delivery address?

IG: Yes.

IBS: And could I have your name, please?

LG: Well, I'm Liz Price, but I'd like you to address it to the 'Office Manager', please.

IBS: OK. Fine. Now what's the order for?

LG: We'd like 10 boxes of printer paper.

IBS: I'm afraid we haven't got any printer paper at the moment. Will photocopy paper do?

LG: Yes, that'll he fine.

IBS: And when would you like it?

LG: Well, as soon as possible, really. We've nearly run out.

IBS: I can get it to you on Thursday, if you like.

LG: That's great. Thanks.

IBS: And how will you be paying?

LG: Well, you usually send us an invoice.

IBS: OK. And that's to the same address?

LG: That's right.

?You will hear three telephone conversations.

?Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the forms below.

?After you have listened once, replay each recording.

Conversation One

?Look at the note below.

?You will hear a man making a call about a delivery.

Customer Order Form Order Reference XR4930

Date Received 27/5/99

Customer Name Lacey Graphics

Delivery Address (1)______

Hailsham Industrial Estate


For the attention of: (2) ______

Order Details 10 boxes of (3)______

Delivery Date (4)______

Payment Method Invioce

“Mom, can I have some money?" those are the words my mother used to hear all the
time.In return, I heard, "Why don' t you get a job? Not to make me happy, but so that you h ve you own money and gain a bit more responsibility.So last year I a Job working about 25 hours a week.For 35 an hour, working as a salesman in a photo studio.

After I got this job, I had to do football, homework and job (1)It was really hard for me.I was burning out, falling asleep at school and failing in many courses.My teachers were made(2)me and ye led at me: why have a job? I missed a lot of practice in football team and could only (3)back down at the match.My coach was cold at me with an unmasked question: why have a job? I told them it was for the things I need, when actually it was for the things I wanted.Needing and wanting are different.Needing something is like your only shoes have holes in them.But wanting is to have every new brand sneaker just because you like it.I start to think about if I did a wrong thing.Slowly, I learnt to (4) wise decision (5)about what I need and what I want.(完型填空)





E.At the same time

(Peter = P ; Sally = S) P:Hello! This is Peter speaking______51_______,please? S:I&39;m

(Peter = P ; Sally = S)

P:Hello! This is Peter speaking______51_______,please?

S:I&39;m sorry. Professor Johnson is not here at the moment. This is his assistant ,Sally.______52______?

P:Yes. Please tell the professor that I* d like to ask for sick leave for tomorrow.

S: Sorry to hear that. May I ask______53_______with you?

P: I&39;m running a fever. I&39;ve caught a cold.


P:No, not very serious, but the doctor told me to stay in bed and have good rest.

S:I see. I&39;ll___55________as soon as he comes back.

P:Thank you. Goodbye!


提示:爱丽丝的妈妈病了,爱丽丝想向老师格林先生请几天假。 Alice: Excuse me, Mr. Green. 15 d l


Alice: Excuse me, Mr. Green. 15 d like to take a few days off.

Green:___51___ ?

Alice: My mother is ill. I have to take care of her.

Green:Oh dear! I am sorry to hear that ___52___ ?

Alice: No, thank you. My mother has caught a bad cold. She has a high fever and coughs day and night. The doctor says my mother has to be in hospital for a few days. I would like to be with her.

Green:I understand___53___?

Alice:I hope to be back next Wednesday.

Green:That? s all right.___54___ .

Alice:Thank you,Mr. Green. That, s very kind of you. I will write it immediately.

Green:___55___ .

Tom had once worked in a city office in London, but now he is out of work. He had a large
family to support, so he often found himself in difficulty. He often visited Mr. White on Sundays, told him about his troubles, and asked for two or three pounds. Mr. White, a man with a kind hear(, found it difficult to refuse the money, though he himself was poor. Tom had already received more than thirty pounds from Mr. White, but he always seemed to be in need of some more.

One day, after telling Mr. White a long story of his troubles, Tom asked for five pounds.

Mr. White had heard this sort of thing before, but he listened patiently to the end. Then he said, "I understand your difficulties, Tom. I' d like to help you. But I' m not going to give you five pounds this time. I'll lend you the money, and you can pay me off next time you see me."

Tom took the money, but he never appeared again.

Tom was now in difficulties because he ______.

A.worked in a city office and was poorly paid

B.was poorly paid and had a large family to support

C.was poorly paid and always spent money carelessly

D.was out of work and had a large family to support

提示:Peter给Johnson教授打电话请病假,接电话的是教授的助手 Sally。 (Peter=P;Sally=S)P:Hello!

提示:Peter给Johnson教授打电话请病假,接电话的是教授的助手 Sally。 (Peter=P;Sally=S)

P:Hello! This is Peter speaking.__________51________ ,please?

S:I’m sorry.Professor Johnson is not here at the moment.This is his assistant,Sally.________52________?

P:Yes.Please tell the professor that l’d like to ask for sick leave for tomorrow.

S:Sorry to hear that.May I ask________53________ with you?

P:I’m running a fever.I’ve caught a cold.

S:Oh,________54________ ?

P:N0,not very serious,but the doctor told me to stay in bed and have a good rest.

S:I see.I’ll________55________ as soon as he comes back.

P:Thank you.Goodbye!








I am sorry to hear that. Why don' t you take some drugs.()
—Have a nice weekend!–()

A.Thank you. Y ou too

B.See you next week

C.I am glad to hear that

D.That's all right

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