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What should you do when you write a literature review?

A、Gather and put in all the information you have acquired.

B、Write in the same way as you do for a book report.

C、Include a critical analysis of various opinions from credible sources.

D、Answer the research question with a brief overview of the topic.

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更多“What should you do when you wr…”相关的问题
______ he come, what you say to him? A. If, will B. Should, would C. When, wou

______ he come, what you say to him?

A. If, will

B. Should, would

C. When, would

D. Would, do

What _____ you do if no one answered the phone?





—What should I do, doctor? —____, you should exercise moreA.Keep healthyB.Keeping healthy

—What should I do, doctor? —____, you should exercise more

A.Keep healthy

B.Keeping healthy

C.To keep healthy

D.Having kept healthy

Some people think that universities should put the same amount of money into students spor
t activities as to their libraries. What do you think? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appro-priacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

What should you do if your child is under six years old?A.You should let him take two tabl

What should you do if your child is under six years old?

A.You should let him take two tablets a day

B.You should reduce the dosage anyway.

C.You should find the directions on the bottle.

D.You should ask the doctor for advice.

What should you do first when you find out your missing tile()?

A.to replace it

B.to forget it

C.to think about whether it will bring you happiness or not

D.to obtain it

You have arrived at the hotel at 2 a.m. and want a quick meal. What should you do?A.Go to

You have arrived at the hotel at 2 a.m. and want a quick meal. What should you do?

A.Go to the hotel shop.

B.Go to the hotel bar.

C.Hang a message outside your door.

D.Phone Reception.

Part A Directions: You will have an English class next Friday, but you can’t atte

Part A


You will have an English class next Friday, but you can’t attend it. Write a letter to your English teacher, Mr. Wang, to ask for leave. Tell him:

1) why you ask for leave,

2) what you will do to make up for it.

You should write about 100 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead. (10 points)

Which of thefollowing can best!explain the last sentence in the passage? A. You have t

Which of thefollowing can best!explain the last sentence in the passage?

A. You have to do what you can afterluck brings you opportunities.

B. You should open the door when opportunities come to you.

C: YOu haveto be prepared for walking through the door.

D. You should open your eyes to see opportunities clearly.

Following the writer' s suggestions-, which of the following should we students d0?.A.Set

Following the writer' s suggestions-, which of the following should we students d0?.

A.Set up a e-store and do business online.

B.Keep silent if you are not satisfied with what you' ve bought from your friends.

C.Return your purchases if you are not pleased with the goods from your friends.

D.Be careful when e-shopping and avoid making money from your friends on line.

Complaining about faulty goods or bad service is never easy. Most people dislike making a
fuss. But if something you have bought is faulty or does not do what was claimed for it, you are not asking for a favour to get it put right.(76)It is the shopkeeper's responsibility to take the complaint seriously and to replace or repair a faulty article or put right poor service, because he is the person, with whom you have entered into an agreement. The manufacturer may have a part to play but that comes later.

Complaints should be made to a responsible person. Go back to the shop where you bought the goods, taking with you any receipt you may have. Ask to see the buyer in a large store. In a small store the assistant may also be the owner so you can complain direct. In a chain store ask to see the manager.

Even the bravest person finds it difficult to stand up in a group of people to complain, so if you do not want to do it in person, write a letter. Stick to the facts and keep copy of what you write. At this stage you should give any receipt numbers, but you should not need to give receipts or other papers to prove you bought the article. If you are not satisfied with the answer you get, or if you do not get a reply, write to the managing director of the firm, shop, or organization. Be sure to take copies of your own letters and any you receive.

If your complaint is a just one, the shopkeeper may offer to replace or repair the faulty article. You may find this an attractive solution. In certain cases you may have the right to refuse the goods and ask for your money back, but this is only when you have hardly used the goods and have acted at once. If you have suffered some special loss, if for example a new washing machine tears your clothes, you might receive money to replace them. If the shopkeeper refuses to give you money, ask for advice from the Consumers’ Association.

The shopper may make a complaint because

A.the article bought is not up to standard

B.it doesn't do what is claimed for it

C.He dislikes causing a fuss

D.he was at fault in buying the article

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