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_____ is the founder of “Imagist” movement.

A.Ezra Pound


C.Robert Frost


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During the Progressive Movement, women began to play an increasingly active role in Americ
an politics. Women had long been interested in reform. movements, but the number of women active in political affairs had been very limited. Now the educated, middle class woman began to grow tired of the passive role that men had assigned to her. Her own interests as a mother were brought into play by her concern over the education and welfare of her children, the city in which they lived, and such municipal facilities as play grounds, schools and parks. Her interests as a consumer were alerted by political struggles over tariffs, taxes, monopolies, and dishonesty in government. But more important than her interests were her sympathies, for she was shocked by the almost daily revelation about the terrible working conditions in the mills and mines of the country and the crowded conditions in which poor people lived in cities. Women began to develop their own heroines of charitable activity, like Jane Adams, the founder of the famous social settlement at Hull House in Chicago; and also to feel more strongly about their own political rights. Believing that they were far better equipped than men to introduce into politics the note of honesty and human concern that America seemed to need so badly, women in increasing numbers began to demand the right to vote. By 1914 they had that right in eleven states, and their efforts were crowned with final success in the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which was ratified in 1920.

It can be inferred from the passage that, before the Progressive Movement, educated women of the middle class were expected to ______.

A.stay out of politics

B.vote on municipal issues only

C.pay a tax in order to vote

D.improve conditions in mills and mines

Danielle Steel,the 71-year-old romance novelist is notoriously productive,having publi
shed 179 booksat a rate of up to seven a year.But a passing reference in a recent profile by Glamour magazine to her 20-hour workdays prompted an outpouring of admiration.

Steel has given that 20-hour figure when describing her“exhausting”process in the past:“I start thebook and don 't leave my desk until the first draft is finished.”She goes from bed,to desk,to bath,tobed,avoiding all contact aside from phone calls with her nine children."I don 't comb my hair for weeks,”she says.Meals are brought to her desk,where she types until her fingers swell and her nails bleed.The business news website Quartz held Steel up as an inspiration,writing that if only we all followedher“actually extremely liberating"example of industrious sleeplessness,we would be quick to see results.well,indeed.With research results showing the cumulative effects of sleep loss and its impact onproductivity,doubt has been voiced about the accuracy of Steel's self-assessment.Her output may beundeniable,but sceptics have suggested that she is guilty of erasing the role of ghostwriters (代笔人) atworst,gross exaggeration at best.

Steel says working 20 hours a day is “pretty brutal physically.”But is it even possible?“No,”saysMaryanne Taylor of the Sleep Works. While you could work that long,the impact on productivity wouldmake it hardly worthwhile. If Steel was routinely sleeping for four hours a night,she would be drasticallyunderestimating the negative impact,says Alison Gardiner,founder of the sleep improvement programmeSleepstation.“It's akin to being drunk.”

lt's possible that Steel is exaggerating the demands of her schedule. Self-imposed sleeplessness has“become a bit of a status symbol", says Taylor, a misguided measure to prove how powerful and productive you are.Margaret Thatcher was also said to get by on four hours a night,while the 130-hour work weeksendured by tech heads has been held up as key to their success.

That is starting to change with increased awareness of the importance of sleep for mental health.“People are starting to realise that sleep should not be something that you fit in between everything else,"says Taylor .

But it is possible—if statistically extremely unlikely—that Steel could be born a “short sleeper”withan unusual body clock,says sleep expert Dr. Sophie Bostock." It's probably present in fewer than 1% ofthe population.”

Even if Steel does happen to be among that tiny minority,says Bostock,it's “pretty irresponsible”tosuggest that 20-hour days are simply a question of discipline for the rest of us.

46. What do we learn from the passage about Glamour magazine readers?

A) They are intrigued by the exotic romance in Danielle Steel's novels.

B)They are amazed by the number of books written by Danielle Steel.

C)They are deeply impressed by Danielle Steel's daily work schedule.

D)They are highly motivated by Danielle Steel's unusual productivity.47. What did the business news website Quartz say about Danielle Steel?

A) She could serve as an example of industriousness.

B) She proved we could liberate ourselves from sleep.

C) She could be an inspiration to novelists all over the world.

D) She showed we could get all our work done without sleep.48. What do sceptics think of Danielle Steel's work schedule claims?

A) They are questionable.

CThey are irresistible.

B)They are alterable.

D)They are verifiablc.

49. What docs Maryanne Taylor think of self-imposed sleeplessness?

A) It may turn out to be key to a successful career.

B)It may be practiced only by certain tech heads.

C)It may symbolise one's importance and success.

D) It may well serve as a measure of self-discipline.

50. How does Dr. Sophic Bostock look at the 20-hour daily work schedule?

A)One should not adopt it without consulting a sleep expert.

B) The general public should not be encouraged to follow it.

C) One must be duly self-disciplined to adhere to it.

D) The majority must adjust their body clock for it.

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