题目内容 (请给出正确答案)

Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the

passage. For example, face challenges from the game's standards-setting institutions. Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square to add the sentence to the

A.Square A.

B.Square B.

C.Square C.

D.Square D.

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更多“Look at the four squares that …”相关的问题
If the information give in this passage is correct.when we look at a star at night_______

A.it is four years that the light we can see will reach us

B.it will be brighter than the moon

C.we cannot tell whether or not it still exists

D.we will notice hat it is‘not moving

Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are
four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.

6. ______ the look on his face, he wasn't satisfied with their performance.

A. To judge by

B. Judging by

C. Judge by

D. To be judged by

完成下列各题 B Light travels at a speed which is about a million
times faster than the speed of sound.In one second,light travels about 300,000km.But sound travels only 344m.You can get some idea of this difference by watching the start of a race.If you stand some distance away from the starter,you can see smoke comes from his gun before the sound reaches your ears. This great speed of light gives US some strange facts.Sunlight takes about 8 minutes to reach US.If you look at the light of the moon tonight,remember that the light left the moon 1.3 seconds before it reached you.The nearest star is so far away that the light which you can see from it t0—night started to travel towards you four years ago at a speed of nearly 2 million km per minute.In some case,the light from one of tonight’s stars started on its journey to you before you were born. Thus,if you want to be honest,you cant say“The stars are shining to night”?You have to say“The stars look pretty.They were shining four years ago but their light has just reached Earth”. Sunlight seems to________than the light of the moon.

A.be less powerfull

B.travel much quickly

C.move less quickly

D.have to travel a greater distance






In January 2004, a 20-year-old woman ran a red light while talking on a cell phone. Her ca
rknocked into another car crossing with the green light directly in front of her. The police found thedriver never touched her brakes (刹车) and was traveling 48 mph when she hit the other car. The po-lice were told that the driver was not looking down, pressing buttons. She was looking straight out ofthe windshield(挡风玻璃) talking on her cell phone as she passed four cars and a school bus.

Vision is the most important sense for safe driving. Yet, drivers using cell phones are likely to"look at" but not "see" objects. It is said that drivers using cell phones look but fail to see up to 50percent of the infornmtion while driving. Drivers are looking out of the windshield, but they do notreally deal with the situation on the road.

Although the public appear to be turning against cell phone use while driving, many admit theyregularly talk or text while driving. The police say that nine percent of the drivers at any given timeare using cell phones, and about one in four car accidents are directly related to cell phone use.

Using cell phones while driving has become a serious public health threat (威胁). A few stateshave passed laws making it unlawful to use a handheld cell phone while driving, but these laws give the false message that using a hand-free phone is safe. What was the woman doing when the car accident happened?

A.She was busy pressing buttons.

B.She was talking on her cell phone

C.She was looking at the red light ahead

D.She was looking for something in the car

The word "vision" (Paragraph 2 ) refers to the sense ofA.taste




What is the percentage of the car accidents caused by drivers using cell phones?A.9%.




What do we know about the laws making it unlawful to use a handheld cell phone while driving?A.They are not perfect.

B.They are not necessary.

C.They are not practical.

D.They are not important

Lane waited on the bench nearest the bridge, as he had been instructed. The wind blew stra
ight across the river, sharp as a razor, and he had to pull his overcoat closer about him.

He went over his instructions in his mind. The agent would appear at four o' clock. He would chat to Lane for a while, after which he would get up, leaving his newspaper behind. The plan would be fastened inside.

A distant clock began to strike the hour. As if from nowhere, a man appeared and sat down be side Lane, placing his newspaper on the seat between them. He was thin and middle-aged, and seemed in need of a good meat. He bored no resemblance to Lane' s idea of a successful spy. His conversation, confined to trivial observations about the weather, was painfully uninteresting.

A few minutes later he got up and continued on his way. Large picked up the paper which laid on the bench, as if he wanted to look at the news. He was excited to see the plans pinned to the center page. At that moment, however, there was a strong wind which lifted the newspaper into the air, like a kite, and blew it into the river.

Lane ______.

A.memorized his orders

B.recited his orders

C.tried to remember his orders

D.repeated his orders himself

It's an annual back-to-school routine. One morning you wave goodbye, and that【56】evening y
ou' re burning the late-night oil in sympathy. In the race to improve educational standards,【57】are throwing the books at kids.【58】elementary school students are complaining of homework【59】. What's a well-meaning parent to do?

As hard as【60】may be, sit back and chill, experts advise. Though you've got to get them to do it,【61】helping too much, or even examining【62】too carefully, you may keep them【63】doing it by themselves. "I wouldn't advise a parent to check every【64】assignment, " says psychologist John Rosemond, author of Ending the Tough Homework. "There's a【65】of appreciation for trial and error. Let your children【66】the grade they deserve.

Many experts believe parents should gently look over the work of younger children and ask them to rethink their【67】. But"you don't want them to feel it has to be【68】, " they say.

That's not to say parents should【69】homework—first, they should monitor how much homework their kids【70】. "Thirty minutes a day in the early elementary years and an hour in【71】four, five, and six is standard, " says Rosemond. For junior-high students it should be "【72】more than an hour and a half, and two for high-school students. " If your child【73】has more homework than this, you may want to check【74】other parents and then talk to the teacher about【75】assignments.






Life on MarsPerhaps more than anything else, scientists are eager to find out if Martian l

Life on Mars

Perhaps more than anything else, scientists are eager to find out if Martian life existed in the past—or still exists.【61】telescopes first zoomed in【62】Mars in the 17th century, people have conjured up a wild【63】of images or what Martians might look like. But space probes like the 1997 Sojourner land rover have yielded no evidence of such alien beings.

Most experts agree that if life did at one time evolve on Mars, finding evidence of that life—which would likely take the form. of tiny organisms—won't be easy.【64】, many scientists are optimistic. "We've got organisms on Earth that adapted to life deep【65】the surface in underground water wells, " says Stephen Clifford. "【66】life like that evolved on Mars four billion years ago, there's no reason why it【67】today. "

【68】last year's disappointing losses, the future of Martian exploration looks【69】This year, two major

films about fictitious Mars missions—Red Planet and Missions to Mars—are certain to heighten interest in our planetary neighbour. More important, plans for new sets of NASA orbiters and landers—one to launch in 2001 , the other in 2003—are already in the works. Without a doubt, each new mission will inch scientists closer to【70】the mysteries of planet Mars.




C.Ever since


Although each baby has an individual schedule of development, general patterns of growth h
ave been observed. Three periods of development have been identified (确定) , including early infancy (幼儿期) , which extends from the first to the sixth month; middle infancy, from the sixth to the ninth month; and late infancy, from the ninth to the fifteenth month. Whereas the newborn is concerned with his or her inner world and reacts primarily to hunger and pain in early infancy, the baby is already aware of the surrounding world. During the second month, many infants are awake more and can raise their heads to look at things. They also begin to smile at people. By four months, the baby is searching for things but not yet grasping them with its hands. It is also beginning to be wary(谨慎的) of strangers and may scream when a visiting relative tries to pick it up. By five months, the baby is grabbing objects and putting them into its mouth. Some babies are trying to feed themselves with their hands.

In middle infancy, the baby concentrates on practicing a great many speech sounds. It loves to imitate actions and examine interesting objects. At about seven months, it begins to crawl, a skill that it masters at the end of middle infancy.

In late infancy, the baby takes an interest in games, songs, and even books. Progress toward walking moves through standing, balancing, bouncing in place, and walking with others. As soon as the baby walks well alone, it has passed from infancy into the active toddler (蹒跚学步) stage.

What is the main subject of this reading passage?

A.Growth in early infancy.

B.The active toddler.

C.How a baby learns to walk.

D.The developmental stages of infancy.

It was a very happy family. They were fairly well-off. The father, Leopold, was a master o
f music in Austria. His mother was warm-hearted. There were two children, Marianne, a schoolgirl, and little Wolfgang, a child not quite four years old. Marianne was learning to play the piano, and day after day Leopold stood behind her as she practiced. How patient their father was, and how cleverly he showed Marianne how to play some particularly difficult pieces! She was making progress, very good progress, and that was excellent. And there, almost lost in the big chair, sat Wolfgang, who never had to be told to keep quiet when looking over Marianne's shoulder. At that moment Wolfgang climbed on his father's knees and begged to be allowed to play the pretty piece Marianne had now mastered. What a joke that was! Picking up his baby son, Leopold laughed and said, "Look at your hands. You must wait, little man!"

There was no end to the fun during tea, and Marianne had to tell her mother about Wolfgang wanting to play a difficult piece. When the meal was finished, Marianne helped to clear away the dishes. Suddenly Leopold got up. "Listen!" said he in a surprised voice. "Listen! Marianne is playing the piece better than ever!"

But Marianne was washing dishes in the kitchen.

His wife following, Leopold walked quietly upstairs, the lamp in one hand, his music book in the other. He pushed open the door, and there was little Wolfgang playing in the darkness. "I love it" whispered the child.

It was the beginning of Mozart's life of music.

Wolfgang was quiet when his sister practiced the piano because______.

A.he loved music

B.he liked his sister

C.he didn't want to make a noise

D.he didn't feel well

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