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The world largest search engine company provides a free search service () userscan get relevant results in an instant.

A.with that

B.in which

C.with which

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The firm invested approximately 60 million dollars in___it says is the world's largest bot
tle-bottle recycling plant.





From the passage we will learn that the clean-up effort______.A.is the largest one support

From the passage we will learn that the clean-up effort______.

A.is the largest one supported by Sherpas Nepal

B.is opposed by the local people

C.is encouraged by the American government

D.is the greatest one ever made in the world

Why is English the most widely used language in the world? Because ______.A.it has the lar

Why is English the most widely used language in the world? Because ______.

A.it has the largest number of speakers in the world

B.it is spoken not only in Britain but also in America

C.it is one of the most important working languages in many fields

D.A, B and C

From the first paragraph, we learn that ______.A.the number of prisoners in America is inc

From the first paragraph, we learn that ______.

A.the number of prisoners in America is increasing

B.America has the largest prison in the world

C.crime in America is getting much more serious

D.it is easy for a person to be locked up in America

From the first paragraph, we learn that ______. A. the number of prisoners in Americ

From the first paragraph, we learn that ______.

A. the number of prisoners in America is increasing

B. America has the largest prison in the world

C. crime in America is getting much more serious

D. it is easy for a person to be locked up in America

Sharks are fish. There are about 350 species of sharks. The smallest sharks are only 12. 5
cm long. The largest, the whale shark, is the world's largest fish. It grows to about 1Sm long.

Sharks are different from other fish. For example, other fish have skeletons made of hard bones. Sharks have skeletons made of cartilage. In addition, most fish have a special organ called a swim bladder to stop them from sinking but sharks do not. If a shark does not swim constantly, it sinks. Shark babies grow inside eggs. The baby sharks are called pups.

Most sharks eat fish. Some also eat seals and other sharks. Many people are afraid of sharks be cause of their reputation as' man-eaters'. However, there are fewer than one hundred shark attacks on humans in the world each year.

Humans are the sharks' worst enemies. Fishermen kill them because of their valuable dorsal fins. Often, they catch a shark, cut off its fin and throw it back into the sea. If a shark has no fin, it dies because it cannot swim. Scientists believe that humans kill more than one million sharks every year.

Sharks are ______.

A.humans' friends

B.man's enemies

C.the world's largest fish

D.not the same as other fish

听力原文:You might think the largest library in the world would be in Europe. But it isn't

听力原文: You might think the largest library in the world would be in Europe. But it isn't. It's in Washington. D.C. It's called the Library of Congress.

President John Adams started the library in 1800 for members of Congress. He wanted them to be able to read books about law. The first 740 books were bought in England. They were simply set up in the room where Congress met. Then Thomas Jefferson sold Congress many of his own books. He felt Congress should have books on all subjects, not just on law. This idea changed the library for good.

The library grew and grew. Now it covers acres of land. It contains 20 million books as well as scores of pictures, movies, globes and machines. Experts in every field work here. Hundreds of people call every day with all kinds of questions. Many of them get answers right over the phone.

The library is a large storehouse. Thomas Edison's first movie and Houdini's magic books reside there. And it is the proud owner of the world's best collection of comic books.


A.Experts in every field.

B.American president.

C.European countries.

D.Members of Congress.

阅读短文,判断句子正误,正确的写T,错误的写F 。 In recent years, the Chinese auto industry has seen rapid growth, with the demand on private cars rising sharply in Chinese cities since 2002.

阅读短文,判断句子正误,正确的写T,错误的写F 。

In recent years, the Chinese auto industry has seen rapid growth, with the demand on private cars rising sharply in Chinese cities since 2002.

By 2009, China has replaced the U.S. to become the world's largest auto market. As an important part of the world car industry, the global auto industry will shift further to China. This brings historical opportunity to China's auto market.

Currently, both the development of China's auto market and the changes in consumer demand for vehicles are ever -increasing. China's auto industry will continue to grow in the next decade. It means there is still huge room for its development. China has an urban population of more than 600million. It also has a huge agricultural vehicle market in the rural areas. Hence, there is no doubt for China's development of auto industry. That is also the reason why the world's auto producers are paying more attention to the Chinese market.

()26. The demand on private cars increased greatly in Chinese cities since 2002.

()27. China has become the world's largest auto market.

()28. China's auto industry tends to decrease in the next decade.

()29. China has an urban population of less than 600 million.

()30. The reason why the world's auto producers are paying more attention to the Chinese market is that China's auto industry developed very quickly.


Deep inside a mountain near Sweetwater in East. Tennessee is a body of water known as the Lost Sea. It is listed

by the Guinness Book of Would Records as the world’s largest underground lake. The Lost Sea is part of an

extensive and historic cave system called Craighead Caverns.

The caverns have been known and used since the days of the Cherokee Indian nation. The cave expands into

a series of huge rooms from a small opening on the side of the mountain. Approximately one mile from the

entrance, in a room called “The Council Room,” many Indian artisfacts have been found. Some of the items

discovered include pottery, arrowheads, weapons, and jewelry.

For many years there were persistent rumors of a large underground lake somewhere in a cave, but it was not

discovered until 1905. In that year, a thirteen-year-old boy named Ben Sands crawled through a small opening

three hundred feet underground. He found himself

in a large cave half filled with water.

Today tourists visit the Lost Sea and ride far out onto it in glass-bottomed boats powered by electric motors.

More than thirteen acres of water have been mapped out so far

and still no end to the lake has been found. Even though teams of divers have tried to explore the Lost Sea,

the full extent of it is still unknown.

The Lost Sea is unique because it is ________.

A. part of a historical cave system

B. the biggest underground lake in the world

C. listed in the Guinness Book of World Records

D. the largest body of water in Tennessee

All whales fall into two groups, those with teeth and those without. Both beluga and dolph
in belong to the suborder of toothed whales known as Odontoceti, along with porpoises, narwhals, pilot whales, killer whales and the largest toothed creature in the world, the sperm whale. Size differences among the Odontoceti are remarkable. A common porpoise will run only 4 or 5 feet in length and 300 pounds in weight; a sperm whale may be 10 times as long and 300 times as heavy. The beluga falls in between, weighing up to 2,000 pounds. And it does chirp. In fact, it makes a great variety of squeaking, whistling, and clicking sounds, which have earned it the name of sea canary.

The toothless, or baleen, whales belong to the suborder of Mysticeti. This is a group of generally large whales, formerly abundant in all the oceans of the world. Though reduced by hunting, most species are still found along the coasts of the United Stated and Canada. All but two of the Mysticeti reach 40 feet or more at maturity, with the blue whale running up to 100 feet and tipping the scales at up to 130 tons. This whale is by far the largest creature that has ever lived on earth, 4 times the weight of the largest dinosaur, 30 times that of an elephant.

With what topic is the passage mainly concerned?

A.Breeding habits of whales.

B.Differences between whales.

C.Efforts to preserve whales.

D.The intelligence of whales.

What is the 'biggest city in the world? That is, (21) city has the largest population? Thi

What is the 'biggest city in the world? That is, (21) city has the largest population? This seems like (22) question to answer, but actually it isn't.

It's actually rather difficult to say which cities (23) the largest. There are two reasons for this difficulty. First of all, it isn't easy to determine a city's boundaries, that is, where a city ends. Nowadays, nearly all cities have a large (24) area around them. So when we talk about the population of a city, we often mean the population of the whole metropolitan area around the city. That means that it's difficult to determine what the population of a city is because it's difficult to define what a city is.

The second reason that it is difficult to 25 the population of different cities is this: it is almost impossible to get (26) about the population of all cities for the same year. For example, we might get an estimate of New York's population in 1979 and an (27) of Mexico City's population in 1981. So we real ly can't compare the numbers because the information is for (28) different years. And the population of cities changes rather quickly, especially in some cases. For example, the population of Jakarta, Indonesia, may increase by 5% each year, so the population figure will change rather quickly.

So we can say that these are our two (29) for comparing the populations of cities: one, it's difficult to determine the (30) of a city, and two, it is difficult to get accurate information.

21. A. what

B. which

C. where

D. how

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