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23. What causes people to like certain foods but not others?

A.The fact whether they have a sweet tooth.

B.The way how the food is cooked.

C.The differences in people who eat food.

D.The color people see of the food.

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更多“23. What causes people to like…”相关的问题
What,according to the writer,is one of the most important tasks of our time?A.To keep peop

What,according to the writer,is one of the most important tasks of our time?

A.To keep people from agin9.

B.To practice birth.contr01.

C.To make people still stronger.

D.To do away with starvation and disease.

What's the passage mainly about? ______.A.The process of gradual memory lossB.The causes o

What's the passage mainly about? ______.

A.The process of gradual memory loss

B.The causes of absent-mindedness

C.The impact of the environment on memory

D.A way of encoding and recalling

What were the effects of the decision she made? A) reasons B)results C) cau

What were the effects of the decision she made?

A) reasons


C) causes


Have you ever wondered what our future is like? Practically all people【C1】______a desire t
o predict their future【C2】______People seem inclined to【C3】______this task u sing causal reasoning. First, we generally【C4】______that future circumstances are【C5】______caused or conditioned by present ones. We learn that getting an education will【C6】______how much money we earn later and that swimming beyond the reef may bring an unhappy【C7】______with a shark.

Second, people also learn that such【C8】______of cause and effect are probabilistic in nature. That is, the effects occur more often when the causes occur than when the causes are【C9】______, but not al ways.【C10】______, students learn that studying hard produces good grades【C11】______most instances, but not every time. Science makes these concepts of causality and probability more clear and【C12】______techniques for dealing with them more【C13】______than does causal human inquiry. In looking at ordinary human inquiry, we need to【C14】______between prediction and under .standing. Often, even if we don't under stand why, we are willing to act on the basis of a demonstrated【C15】______ability.

Whatever the primitive drives that【C16】______human beings, satisfying them depends heavily on the ability to predict future circumstances. The attempt to predict is often played in the【C17】______of knowledge and understanding. If you can understand why certain regular patterns【C18】______, you can predict better than if you simply ob serve those patterns. Thus, human inquiry aims【C19】______answering both "what" and "why" questions, and we【C20】______these goals by observing and figuring out.






The main cause of a bank run is ______.A.loss of confidenceB.lack of moneyC.crowds of peop

The main cause of a bank run is ______.

A.loss of confidence

B.lack of money

C.crowds of people

D.inexperienced tellers

Visiting the Bank: Last week Tom Walker arrived in London where his company has a new office.

Visiting the Bank

Last week Tom Walker arrived in London where his company has a new office. His company started up six months ago in Hong Kong. Now they are expanding their business in Europe. He had to open a new bank account for his company at ABHK Bank. When he arrived at the bank, he couldn't find where to open an account. He asked at the customer service desk. They told him to go up to the Foreign Department on the fourth floor. The bank which has a branch in Hong Kong arranged everything for him. They transferred the funds, and completed everything electronically. He thought thanking was very efficient Then the bank manager Introduced him to their accountants who advise companies about international taxation.

21. Where is Tom Walker's company?

A. Hong Kong

B. Beijing

C. London

22. When did his company start?

A. One year ago.

B. One year before

C. About hail a year ago

23. Where did he open a new account?

A. At the customer service desk

B. in the Foreign Department

C. In the Accounting Department

24. What did the Hong Kong branch send to London?

A. Money

B. Papers

C. Books

25. What do the accountants help with?

A. Keeping books

B. Directors' reports

C.Tax laws

What do we talk about when we talk about money? We often think about what we can buy with
the money we have, what we can’t buy because we don’t have enough and what we’re planning to buy when we have more. We discuss the careers that bring us money and the expenses that take it away. We talk about our favourite shops and restaurants, the causes we support, the places we’ve been and seen. We share dreams that only money can make real.

In short, we talk about everything but money itself. In daily life, money is still a major conversational taboo. This is a shame, because money is as interesting as the things it does and buys, and the more you know about it, the more interesting it is.

As a financial advisor, I’ve seen hundreds of people learn to control their money instead of letting it control them and watched as they increased as they increased their freedom, power and security by handling money consciously. Wouldn’t you like to know that you’ll always have enough money to live exactly as you want to?

You will never be powerful in life until you ’re powerful over your own money. Talking openly about it is the first step.

Which of the following is NOT discussed when we talk about money?

A.The careers that bring us money

B.The causes we support

C.The dreams that only money can make real

D.Money itself

What can we know from the second paragraph?A.We should know more about money itself rather than avoid talking about it.

B.Money itself can interest us and bring us happiness.

C.The more money we earn, the more we should know about it.

D.It is a shame that people talk too much about money.

What does the writer want to say in the third paragraph?A.People should learn how to make money.

B.People should know the value of money.

C.People should learn to control their money.

D.People should know how to use money to increase their power.

The writer’s advice that _____.A.the more you talk about money, the more you can control it.

B.we should learn to be a good master of our money if we want to be powerful in life

C.we should not be so worried about money if we want to have a free life

D.the more money you have, the more powerful you are

What will the writer probably talk about after the last paragraph?A.The importance of money

B.Money, power and security

C.The other steps for people to control money

D.The steps for people to make money


听力原文:M: Can we make you an offer? We would like to run the campaign for four extra wee

W: Well, can we summarize the problem from our point of view? First of all, the campaign was late. It missed two important trade fairs. The ads also did not appear into key magazines. As a result, the campaign failed. Do you accept that summary of what happened?

M: Well, the delay wasn't entirely our fault. You did in fact make late changes to the specifications of the advertisements.

W: Hmm, actually, you were late with the initial proposals, so you had very little time. And in fact, we only asked for small changes.

M: Well, whatever. Can we repeat our offer to run the campaign for four extra weeks?

W: That's not really the point. The campaign missed two key trade fairs. Because of this, we're asking you either to repeat the campaign next year for free, or we only pay 50% of the fee for this year.

M; Could we suggest a 20% reduction to the fee together with the four-week sustention to the campaign?

W: We are not happy. We lost business.

M: I think we both made mistakes. The responsibility is on both sides.

W: Ok, let's suggest a new solution. How about a 40% cut in fee, or a free repeat campaign?

M: Well, let's take a break. We're not getting very far. Perhaps we should think about this.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

22. What do we learn about the man's company?

23. Why was the campaign delayed according to the man?

24. What did the woman propose as a solution to the problem?

25. What does the man suggest they do at the end of the conversation?


A.It publishes magazines.

B.It is engaged in product design.

C.It sponsors trade fairs.

D.It runs sales promotion campaigns.

One day a customs officer managed to get some fresh mushrooms(磨菇). (一天一海关官员想要

One day a customs officer managed to get some fresh mushrooms(磨菇). (一天一海关官员想要一些新鲜蘑菇。) He was so __21__ what he had bought that he offered to share the mushrooms with his brother officers. When their breakfast arrived __22__, each officer found some mushrooms on his plate.

"Let the dog try a piece first." suggested one __23__ officer who was afraid that the mushrooms mightbe poisonous.

The dog seemed to __24__ his mushroom, and the officers then dared to eat their breakfast, saying that the mushrooms had a very strange but quite pleasant taste.

An hour later, however, they were all astonished __25__ the gardener came in and said seriously that the dog was dead. Immediately, the officers jumped into their cars and rushed to the nearest hospital. Pumps(清胃器) were used and the officers had a very hard time getting rid of the mushrooms that remained in their stomachs.

21. A.careful B.the next day C.when D.pleased with E.enjoy

22. A.careful B.the next day C.when D.pleased with E.enjoy

23. A.careful B.the next day C.when D.pleased with E.enjoy

24. A.careful B.the next day C.when D.pleased with E.enjoy

25.A.careful B.the next day C.when D.pleased with E.enjoy

To learn a foreign language well, the most important thing is how much time you are involved in language earning

To learn a foreign language well, the most important thing is how much time you are involved in language earning. The more time you spend on the language, the faster you will learn. This means spending time enjoyably on at ever relates to the language you are learning. O Wherever you are, listen to the language and read what you are is tening to. Listen to and read materials that you like, materials that you can mostly understand, or even only artly understand. If you keep listening and reading, you will get used to the language. One hour of listening and reading each day is more effective than many hours of class time.~ Build up your vocabulary. You'll need lots. tart to otice words and how they come together as phrases. Learn these words and phrases through listening and reading. Soon you will run into your new words and phrases elsewhere. Gradually you will be able to use them.O If you do not want to learn the language, you won't. If you do want to learn the language, take control. Choose content that interests you that you want to listen to and read. Discover the language by yourself, like a child growing up.Talk when you feel like it. Write when you feel like it. You can learn to become fluent if you want to. Do not worry about what you cannot remember, or cannot yet understand, or cannot yet say. It does not matter. You are learning and improving. The language will gradually become clearer, but this will happen at a pace that you cannot control. So sit back and enjoy.

Task 1:概括段落大意

A. Learn from teachers

B. Control your learning

C. Relax and enjoy language learning

D. Listen and read every day

E. Acquire more words and phrases

F. Spend time on the language

16. Paragraph 1:_____

17. Paragraph 2:_____

18. Paragraph 3:_____

19. Paragraph 4:_____

20. Paragraph 5:_____

Task 2:补全句子

A. they speak fluently

B. what they are listening to

C. what they don't like

D. they are learning

E. expand their vocabulary

F. have problems with their study

21. People need to spend time on the language_____

22. Learners should listen to the language and read_____

23. Through listening and reading learners may_____

24. People should avoid learning_____

25. It does not matter if learners_____

&8226;Read the article below about the body shop.&8226;Choose the best sentence to fill in

&8226;Read the article below about the body shop.

&8226;Choose the best sentence to fill in each of the gaps.

&8226;For each gap 8-12,mark one letter(A-G) on your Answer Sheet.

&8226;Do not use any letter more than once.

&8226;There is an example at the beginning(0).

The Body Shop--A New Kind of International Business

The Body Shop--good to its employees, its customers, the environment, worthy causes and the Third World--has pioneered a new kind of corporate culture, and made a great deal of money at the same time. When Anita Roddick, the founder of The Body Shop, is asked questions about her company, it is clear that she is passionate about the good work that The Body Shop does at the same time that it is a corporate business. Auckland businessman Roger Lampen of the job search Lampen Group Ltd says he's inspired by what he has read and heard about Roddick.

"Her level of passion and commitment is what's really required in business now," he says. (8) By all accounts, the huge British company, which makes and sells skin and hair-care products around the world, is

Good to employees: they are encouraged to have fun to challenge management, to put love where their labour is;

Good to customers: they can sample products with in-store "testers" and buy small bottles to start with; they are given information about ingredients; they are offered refills at a discount;

Good to the Third World: Anita Roddick, who runs the company, spends months each year traveling to remote regions to study the people's skin and hair care. (9)

Good to charities and worthy causes: Amnesty International, Romanian orphanages and the threatened rainforests of South America are among many beneficiaries of money, million-signature petitions, supplies, volunteers, membership sign-ups, shop-window campaigns;

Good to the environment: The Body Shop uses minimal packaging, recycles almost everything in sight and battles pollution. In one Body Shop paper-making business in Nepal, paper is made from water hyacinths that used to clog waterways, and from specially planted banana palms that have helped stop erosion and provide food. Residue from the paper-making is used to make pots for trans- planting much-needed trees. (10) .

While Roddick might say nasty things about some of the Body Shop shareholders--she loathes uncaring "speculators" who are just in for a quick profit--the company has certainly been good for their bank accounts. Since the shares were floated, in 1981, their price has increased almost 100--fold, says Fortune magazine. (11) Asked in a phone interview about how the Body Shop is likely to fare when Roddick retires, he says, "A couple of thousand years ago, you might have asked," What's going to happen to Christianity if Jesus Christ dies? If Anita Roddick goes, the Body Shop could potentially become even stronger. The corporate culture is very strong." (12) Roddick gets angry about suspicious questioning "Anyone claiming to be altruistic is considered suspect." But, in a phone interview while she is visiting the Madison Avenue, New York, Body Shop, she gives some answers.

A But first let's look at what makes The Body Shop seem just too good to be true.

B One London stock analyst, John Richards of Country Natwest, even compares Roddick to Christ.

C All this, plus jobs and income!

D She has set up several Third World suppliers under a "Trade not Aid" policy;

E Still, no person and no business is perfect.

F Auckland businessman Roger Lampen of the job search Lampen Group Ltd says he's inspired by what he has read and heard about Roddick.

G But each year we're slowly getting better.


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