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As space of our office is limited Is it possible to pile cartons here?A.No. Something more

As space of our office is limited Is it possible to pile cartons here?

A.No. Something more important is expected to be put here So, you’ve got to find somewhere to pile cartons.

B.No. This place is not vacant. You mustn’t pile anything here

C.No. This is an emergency exit. You mustn’t pile anything here

D.Maybe you can. If you manage to persuade them to let you pile cartons, you can do that.

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更多“As space of our office is limi…”相关的问题
The article suggests that______. A. our earth exists before the sun B. how space for

The article suggests that______.

A. our earth exists before the sun

B. how space formed

C. no one knows where the earth comes from

D. our earth used to be part of a high mountain on the sun

______from space, our earth, with water covering 70% of its surface, appears as a "blue pl


B.To be seen


D.Having seen

Millions of stars are traveling about in space. A few form. groups which journey together,
but most of them travel alone. And they travel through a universe so large that one star seldom comes near to another.

We believe, however, that some two thousand million years ago, another star wandering through space, happened to come near our sun. Just as the sun and the moon raise tides on the earth, so this star must have raised tides on the surface of the sun. But they were very different from the small tides that are raised in our oceans; a large tidal wave' must have travelled over the surface of the sun, at last forming a mountain so high that we cannot imagine it. As the cause of the disturbance (动荡) came nearer, so the mountain rose higher and higher. And before the star began to move away again, its tidal pull had become so powerful that this mountain was torn to pieces and threw off small parts of itself into space. These small pieces have been going round the sun ever since. They are the planets (行星).

Millions of stars are______.

A.following a regular path in space

B.always travelling together

C.seldom wandering about in the universe

D.moving about without a fixed course






With human footprints on the moon, radio telescopes listening for messages from alien crea
tures (who may or may not exist), technicians looking for celestial and planetary sources of energy to support our civilization, orbiting telescopes' data hinting at planetary systems around other stars, and political groups trying to figure out how to save humanity from nuclear warfare that would damage life and eliminate on a planet-wide scale, an astronomy book published today enters a world different from the one that greeted books a generation ago. Astronomy has broadened to involve our basic circumstances and our mysterious future in the universe. With eclipses and space missions broadcast live, and with NASA, Europe, and the USSR planning and building permanent space stations, astronomy offers adventure for all people, an outward exploratory thrust that may one day be seen as an alternative to mindless consumerism, ideological bickering, and wars to control dwindling resources on a closed, finite Earth.

Today's astronomy students not only seek an up-to-date summary of astronomical facts: they ask, as people have asked for ages, about our basic relations to the rest of the universe. They may study astronomy partly to seek points of contact between science and other human endeavors: philosophy, history, politics, environmental action, even the arts and religion.

Science fiction writers and special effect artists on recent films help today's students realize that unseen worlds of space are real places—not abstract concepts. Today's students are citizens of a more real, more vast cosmos than conceptualized by students of a decade ago.

In designing this edition, the Wadsworh editors and I have tried to respond to these developments. Rather than jumping at the start into murky waters of cosmology, I have begun with the viewpoint of ancient people on Earth and worked outward across the universe. This method of organization automatically (if loosely) reflects the order of humanity's discoveries about astronomy and provides a unifying theme of increasing distance and scale.

This passage is most probably taken from

A.an article of popular science.

B.the introduction of a book of astronomy.

C.a lecture given by the author to astronomy students.

D.the preface of a piece of science fiction.

Visitors from space may have landed on our planet dozens, even hundreds of times during th
e long, empty ages while Man was still a dream of the distant future. Indeed, they could have landed on 90 percent of the earth as recently as two or three hundred years ago, and we could never have heard of it. If one searches through old newspapers and local records, one can find many reports of strange incidents that could be interpreted as visits from outer space. A stimulating writer, Charles Fort, has made a collection of UFO sighting in his book! One is tempted to believe them more than any modern reports, for the simple reason that they happened long before anyone had ever thought of space travel. Yet at the same time, one can't take them too seriously, for before scientific education was widespread, even sightings of meteors, comets, auroras, and so on, gave rise to the most incredible stories, as they still do today.

According to the passage, visitors from space may have landed on the earth ______.

A.long before man had dreamed of it

B.long before there were human beings

C.in the last few hundred years

D.after the space age began

The author is an aggressive, brilliant and literate astronomer. This vastly entertaining b
ook has a simple manner with complex ideas, without being patronizing, and is often very funny.

In 274 pages Sagan deals with everything from the formation of the Earth to the puzzling possibilities of contact with extra-terrestrial life. This is the moment in history when man's stepping into the universe has suddenly become conceivable. To Sagan this is more exciting and important than was the exploration of the New World in the sixteenth century. So expenditure on the space programme, pruned of recent excesses, ought to continue--it is, according to Sagan, no larger a part of America's gross national income than was the relative cost to England in the sixteenth century of exploration in sailing ships.

The book is not for scientific illiterates, nor is Sagan a pedestrian scientist. Although he makes short work of the unidentified foreign objects (UFO) spotters, he is unafraid to take us on a speculative journey to a black hole which, for all he knows, might be the quick route to somewhere else, not necessarily our universe.

Sagan exhibits a passionate interest in life in the cosmos in which there are .almost certainly civilizations much more advanced than our own. We are the result of a number of relatively recent cosmic accidents, but for all that, Sagan is no less excited about our future,

From the passage we understand that Carl Sagan writes ______.

A.forcefully and complexly

B.elaborately and literally

C.simply and humorously

D.snobbishly and cleverly

Almost every family buys at least one copy of a newspaper every day, Some people subscribe
to as many as two or three different newspapers. But why do people read newspapers?

Five hundred years ago, news of important happenings--battles lost and won, kings or rulers overthrown or killed--took months and even years to travel from one country to another. The news passed by word of mouth and was never accurate. Today we can read in our newspapers of important e vents that occur in faraway countries on the same day they happen.

Apart from supplying news from all over the world, newspapers give us a lot of other useful in formation. There are weather reports, radio, television and film guides, book reviews, stories, and, of course, advertisements. There are all sorts of advertisements. The bigger ones are put in by large companies to bring attention to their products. They pay the newspapers thousands of dollars for their advertising space, but it is worth the money, for news of their products goes into almost every home in the country. For those who produce newspapers, advertisements are also important. Money earned from advertisements makes it possible for them to sell their newspapers at a low price and still make a profit.

The habit of reading newspapers is ______.


B.found among a few families

C.not popular


There Pictures from outer space now show us how much land has changed on earth. These imag
es are taken by Landsat 7, a government satellite. The satellites have been used for 27 years. They reveal the clear-cutting of forests in the northwestern part of the United States. Pictures show the loss of rain forests in South America.

NASA's Darrel Williams speaks about the Landsat 7 Project. He said that an eruption caused trees to burn up in a large forest. Fifteen years later, pinkish images from space show that the trees and plant life are growing again. Williams says that clear-cut areas easily show up in the pictures. He wants Americans to look at how much land is being cleared of forests in our country.

Satellites have provided other information about changes on earth. In the past ten years, more than four miles have shrunk from glaciers in Alaska. Landsat 7 received these computer images of Glacier Bay in Alaska.

Hurricanes Floyd and Irene have damaged the coastline in North Carolina. Runoff from farms and silt have gone into the ocean according to satellite images. Loss of trees and forests have caused hotter summers in southern cities such as Atlanta, Georgia.

The Landsat 7 images are like pictures in a photo album. Instead of pictures of the family, the album shows changes around the globe in the past 25 years.

A new satellite, Terra, is going to be launched by NASA soon. It will be more advanced that Landsat 7 and will take important global pictures. Ocean temperatures and energy loss will be provided by Terra daily.

Landsat 7 shows how changes have occurred on land by sending back ______.

A.images taken with a Polaroid camera

B.the latest images taken by a government satellite

C.a television camera


Good morning. This is a day of remembrance for our country. And I am honored to be joi
ned at the White House today by Americans who lost so much in the terrible events of September the 11th, 2001, and have felt that loss every day since. Three years ago, the struggle of good against evil was compressed into a single morning. In the space of only 102 minutes, our country lost more citizens than were lost in the attack on Pearl Harbor. Time has passed, but the memories do not fade. We remember the images of fire, and the final calls of love, and the courage of rescuers who saw death and did not flee. We remember the cruelty of enemies who murdered the innocent, and rejoiced in our suffering. We remember the many good lives that ended too soon – which no one had the right to take. And our nation remembers the families left behind to carry a burden of sorrow. They have shown courage of their own. And with the help of God’s grace, and with support from one another, the families of terror victims have shown a strength that survives all hurt. Each of them remains in the thoughts and prayers of the American people. The terrorist attacks on September the 11th were a turning point for our nation. We saw the goals of a determined enemy: to expand the scale of their murder, and force America to retreat from the world. And our nation accepted a mission: We will defeat this enemy. The United States of America is determined to guard our homeland against future attacks. As the September the 11th Commission concluded, our country is safer than we were three years ago, but we are not yet safe. Thank you for listening.

1. According to this passage, all of the following are true EXCEPT __________.

A、The passage is delivered in 2004

B、Since the attacks on September the 11th, the United States has been conscious of the national safety

C、The September the 11th Commission concluded that the United States is safe now

D、There were more people who died in the terrorist attacks on September the 11th than those who died in the attack on Pearl Harbor

2. In the third paragraph the underlined word “rejoice” means __________.

A、feeling joyful

B、feeling sorrowful

C、feeling regretful

D、feeling indifferent

3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the factor to help the families of terror victims survive all hurts?()

A、God’s mercy

B、Bravery of their own

C、Hatred for the enemies

D、Mutual support

4. Which of the following can NOT be known from the passage about the “enemy”?()

A、The enemy has made firm decision and nothing can stop them

B、The enemy will take the lives of more innocent Americans

C、The enemy will be happy to see America retreat from the world

D、The enemy will destroy the whole world

5. Where would this passage most likely be extracted from?()

A、News report

B、A radio address

C、A television interview

D、News review

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