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To make A good first impression, you should give people your personal information.()

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根据以下内容回答题:Nowadays there are more and more ways,of going on holiday.More and more
people go abroad every year.Some people even go on two or three holidays a year. There are two types of holiday-makers.The first kind always flocks to seaside resorts when they go on holiday.Their one and only aim is to have a good time by sun-bathing and putting their feet up.They are not a bit interested in local specialities.At mealtimes,if they can get a plate of British“fish and chips”,they’re more than happy!They spend their days in the sun-shine and their evenings getting drunk.and then sleep soundly.If this sort of person forgets to pack the suntan oil,he or she will undoubtedly come home as red as a lobster. The other type of holiday—makers goes to every country to increase their knowledge of for-eign lands.They make use of the chance to travel to improve their world knowledge.For them,going on holiday is educational.Consequently,this sort of travelers will move from p!ace to place every few days.If they visit lots of places in a short span of time,there is no way that they can get a proper feel of a place or fully appreciate the local food and wine. Whichever type of holiday chosen,everybody has the same aim:to put their work to the back of their minds,have as much fun as possible and come home happy and relaxed.

The aim of the first type of holiday-makers is__________ .

A.to enjoy themselves

B.to enjoy good food

C.to have a good sleep

D.to get drunk

When television first began to expand, very few of the people who had become famous as rad
io commentators were able to be effective on television. Some of the difficulties they experienced when were trying to【31】themselves to the new medium were technical. when working on radio, for example, they had become【32】to seeing on behalf of the listener. This【33】of seeing for others means that the commentator has to be very good at talking. Above all, he has to be able to【34】a continuous sequence of visual images which【35】meaning to the sounds which the listener hears. In the【36】of television, however, the commentator sees everything with the viewer.

His role, therefore, is completely different. He is there to make【37】that the viewer does not miss some point of interest, to help him focus on particular things, and to.【38】the images on the television screen. Unlike his radio colleague, he must know the 【39】of silence and how to use it at those moments【40】the pictures speak for themselves.






Every culture and every country in the world celebrates New Year, but not everyone does it
the same way. The countries in North America and Europe welcome New Year on January the first. This practice began with the Romans in the Middle East, New Year is when spring begins. People in China and Vietnam celebrate it on the first day of the Spring Festival, which is the first day of their calendar based on the moon. Rosh Hashana, which is the Jewish (犹太人的) New Year, comes at the end of summer. The Hindus (印度教教徒 ) in India celebrate the first day of each season, so they have four New Years.

In all these cultures, there is a practice of making noise. People made noise in ancient times to drive away the evil spirits (妖精) from their homes. Today making noise is more of a custom than a religious rim

In the United States, many people stay up until midnight on New Year's Eve to watch the clock pass from one year to the next. Friends often gather together at a party on New Year's Eve, and when the new year comes, all ring bells, blow' whistles, sing songs, and kiss each other. A favorite Scottish song which everyone sings together is Auld Lang Sync. The words tell of old friends and good times.

In all cultures, New Year's Day is a time when people think of new beginnings. They want to make the coming year better than the last one. Many people in the United States make New Year resolutions. These are specific promises that they make to improve their behavior, change their habits, and become better people. There are many jokes about how a person keeps his or her New Year resolutions.

In ancient times, the practice of making noise was meant ______.

A.to keep the evil spirits away

B.to have fun

C.to celebrate the coming of the new year

D.to keep to a custom

Music which is original is individual and personal. That is to say, it can be identified a
s belonging to a particular composer. It has particular qualities, or a style, which are not copied from another. If you can recognize the style. of a composer, you will probably be able to tell that a certain composition belongs to him or her even though you have never heard it before. A basket-maker has the skill of weaving and interweaving his materials to create colorful patterns, and an expert carpenter(木匠) has the skill of joining together different shapes and sizes of wood to make a beautiful piece of furniture. These skills may be referred to as" workmanship" (技艺). Similarly, in music a composer organizes his melodies (旋律) and rhythms and combines sounds to create harmony. A composer may be capable of thinking up very good, original tunes, yet if tunes are poorly organized, that is, if the workmanship is poor, the final result will not be to standard.

Good music expresses feelings in a way that is suitable to those feelings. There may be joy, sorrow, fear, love, anger, or whatever. Bad music, on the other hand, may confuse unrelated feelings. It may not express any important feeling at all, or it may exaggerate some feelings and make them vulgar, that is, cheap and ugly.

Good music will stand the test of time. It will not go out of fashion but will continue to be enjoyed and respected long after it is first introduced. It will gain a kind of permanent status while bad music will disappear and be forgotten quickly. In pop music, where the general rule seems to be" the newer, the better" , the test of time is the hardest test of all to pass.

A piece of original music ______.

A.has a personal style

B.sounds very familiar to our ears

C.is one whose style. you cannot recognize

D.can not be recognized as belonging to any composer

Researches show that many people do not leave all organizations but leave a boss.So it
is vital that when you apply for a position, you not only look at the organization and the role, but also interview your future boss.Applying for a new job is a two-way street—they select you and you select them. Before you go to the interview, write clown what your selection standards are for an effective boss.You can make a list of selection criteria, such as: What made your last boss "good" for you? How do you like to be trained? How do you like your boss to communicate with you?

Then you place them in order of importance.The most important should be on top of the list.Once you are clear on your standards, you may get some idea of how your future boss operates by the way the interview is conducted.For example, did it start and finish on time? How formal or informal was the room?

When the interview gets to the "Do you have any questions?" stage, you might like to ask some questions.With well-prepared questions, you can develop a very good idea of your future boss's management style.

36、Many people leave an organization because ______.

A.the boss doesn't like the employees

B.they don't like the boss

C.the organization is not good

D.the organization is not important

37、If you place your questions in order of importance, you ______.

A.put the least important first

B.put the longest question first

C.put the most important last

D.put the most important first

38、You can judge your future boss by the following EXCEPT ______.

A.whether the interview started on time

B.whether the interview room was formal

C.whether the boss played funny jokes

D.whether the interview finished on time

39、From this passage we get to know ______.

A.the interviewee can ask any question to the interviewer

B.the interviewer asks many difficult questions to the interviewee

C.the interviewer asks questions first

D.the interviewee asks questions first

40、The best title for this passage might be ______.

A.How to Get Along with Your New Boss

B.How to Ask Your New Boss Questions

C.How to Select Your New Boss

D.How to Prepare for Interview

There have been many great【21】. The first great invention was one that is still very impor
tant to day--the wheel. This made it easier to carry【22】things and to travel long distances.

In the early 1800s the world【23】to change. There was little unknown land left in the world. People did not have to explore much any more. They began to work instead to make life belier.

In the second half of the 19th century many great inventions were made. Among them were the camera, the electric light and the radio. These all became a big part【24】our life today.

The first part of the 20th century saw more great inventions: the helicopter in 1909, movies with sound in 1926, the computer in 1928, and jet planes in 1930. This was also a time【25】a new material was first made. Nylon came out in 1935. It changed the kind of clothes people wore.

The middle part of the 20th century brought new ways to help people【26】disease. They worked very well. They made people healthier and let them live【27】lives. By the 1960's most people could expect to live to be at least 60.

By this time most people had a very good life.' Of course new inventions continued to be made. Man began【28】ways to go into space. Russia made the first step. Then the United States took a step. Since then other countries, including China and Japan, have made their steps into space.

In 1969 man took his biggest step away from earth. Americans first walked on the moon. This is certainly just a【29】though. New inventions will someday allow us to do things we have never yet【30】.






Trees should only be pruned (修剪) when there is a good reason for doing so. Many gardener

Trees should only be pruned (修剪) when there is a good reason for doing so. Many gardeners believe that more damage results from doing it unnecessarily than from leaving the tree to grow in its own way.

First, pruning may be done to make sure that trees have a desired shape. The object may be to get a tree of the right height, and to help the growth of small side branches which will thicken its appearance or give it a special shape. Secondly, pruning may be done to make the tree healthier. You may cut out diseased or dead wood, or branches that are rubbing against each other and thus causing wounds. A tree may grow healthier by removing the branches that are locking up the centre and so preventing the free movement of air.

One result of pruning is that an open wound is left on the tree and this provides an easy entry (进入) for diseases, but it is a wound that will heal. Often there is a race between the healing and the disease as to whether the tree will live or die. Pruning is usually clone in winter, for then you can see the shape of the tree clearly without the interference from the leaves.

According to the article, which of the following statement is NOT true?

A.Pruning is necessary when there are unwanted branches.

B.Damage is done to a tree if it is left to grow in its own way.

C.Diseased or dead branches should be cut away if they are found to rub against each other.

D.Growing side branches often prevent air from moving freely.

We talk every day. When we have good news, we like to share it with our good friends and w
hen something terrible happens, we make it known to others soon. But can you imagine that a tree can talk and share news too? Of course, no tree moves lips and says words just as people do. Strange as it may sound, though, some trees do manage to communicate with each other.

Willow(柳树) trees are the best-known of these trees. When insects begin nibbling(叮咬) a willow tree, the tree sends out a special smell at once. This smell tells the other willows that harmful insects are coming near. All of them quickly make a chemical(化学物质) in their leaves. This chemical is bad to the insects. The insects do not like it and they fly away soon. In this way, the willow trees protect themselves from the insects.

The next time when you take a walk in the woods, maybe the trees are “talking” to each other quietly. And when someone says that trees cannot “talk”, please tell them that even trees give messages to each other, too.

Willow trees send messages with _________.





The underlined word “lips” in the first paragraph means ________.A.树干




The passage tells us that some of the trees can ________.A.speak just as people do

B.tell stories to others

C.communicate with each other

D.kill insects in the woods

According to the passage, the right order of the following is ________. a、 The willow tree gives out a smell. b、 The willow trees make a chemical in their leaves. c、 Insects fly away because of the chemical. d、 Insects begin nibbling a willow treeA.d-a-b-c





Hollywood (好莱坞) is a suburb of the city of Los Angeles (洛杉矶) in California. Until 19

Hollywood (好莱坞) is a suburb of the city of Los Angeles (洛杉矶) in California. Until 1908 it was no more than a quiet village on the northern side of the city, but in that year William Selig, one of the first people to make films, set up a film-producing workshop (车间) in Los Angeles. By 1911 , David and William Horsely had set up another one in Hollywood, and at about the same time oil was discovered in the neighborhood. Thus Hollywood quickly became a big district given over to the film industry and to oil wells

The early makers of films found Hollywood a good place for their work because of its clear, sunny, rain-free weather, which allowed pictures to be taken all the year round. Also, it was known that every kind of scene needed for films, whether town, country, sea, desert or snow-capped mountains, could be found within the area of California. Today, when most films can be "shot" (拍摄) under cover by man made lighting, these advantages (优点) are not so important.

In spite of a drop in its importance, Hollywood remains a center of film production although now making more films for television than for the cinema.

David and William Horsely ______.

A.were the first to set up a film-producing workshop in Hollywood

B.discovered oil in and around Hollywood

C.followed William Selig to Hollywood and settled down there

D.turned Hollywood into a film producing center of the country

The Right Way to Motivate EmployeesIt’s important for a CEO to be passionate and ent

The Right Way to Motivate Employees

It’s important for a CEO to be passionate and enthusiastic, but there’s a line of professionalism that must always be maintained.

According to a report from the technology website Venture Beat, PayPal CEO David Marcus wrote a critical letter to his employees blaming them for not using PayPal products and encouraging them to leave if they didn’t have the passion to use the products they work for.

According to the website, part of the leaked letter reads:

“It’s been brought to my attention that when testing paying with mobile at Cafe 17 last week, some of you refused to install the PayPal app, and others didn’t even remember their PayPal passwords.That’s unacceptable to me, and the rest of my team, everyone at PayPal should use our products where available.That’s the only way we can make them better, and better.”

“In closing, if you are one of the folks who refused to install the PayPal app or if you can’t remember your PayPal password, do yourself a favor, go and find something that will connect with your heart and mind elsewhere.”

While not obvious at first, the letter reveals a problem of morale and culture at PayPal.As an executive, you certainly want your employees to use and promote your products.However, when faced with a situation where staff isn’t embracing what they make, you need to investigate the root of the problem -- not threaten.

When faced with internal problems, good executives start by asking “why”.They reach out to their executive team first and then to the entire staff to find the root of a problem and how to fix it.Sending out a one-sided note about the problem is not leading, it’s retreating.

Leadership starts by listening.Good executives need to get out among the staff and ask questions and listen without judgment or reaction.The fact that company employees are not embracing and using its products is a failure of leadership that Marcus needs to address by self-reflection.At the end of the day, if his employees have to be forced to use the app, how can he expect consumers to want to willingly pay to use it? Marcus should have focused on three questions:

• Why are you not using the app?

• What is it that we can do to ensure you use our app?

• What do you need from me?

1.A CEO only needs to be passionate and enthusiastic.()

2.It is not professional that PayPal CEO blames his employees not to use PayPal or forget PayPal passwords.()

3.“A one-sided note” refers to the root of PayPal’s problem.()

4.When faced with internal problems, good executives find the root of a problem in their executive team first.()

5.Good executives need to give feedback immediately when they are listening to the staff.()



Ellis:Good morning!Dr Ellis office.

Jackson: (1) .May I please speak with the doctor?

Ellis:Mrs Jackson.Dr Ellis here.How&39;s that new tooth?

Jackson:Not so good,doctor.That&39;s what I&39;m calling about.It just doesn&39;t seem to fit fight.

Ellis:Well,that&39;s to be expected during the first few days after it has been put in.Have you been leaving it in as I told you?

Jackson:Well, (2) ,doctor,especially when I eat.

Ellis:I understand,Mrs Jackson.It hums in the beginning,I know.But it&39;s really better to leave it in,except when you clean it,of course.

Jackson:Well,I did it first,doctor,but my jaws hurt so much that I just couldn&39;t (3) .

Ellis:Well,maybe we can adjust(调整)it a little more.

Jackson:Adjust it?

Ellis:Yes, (4) ?

Jackson:Oh,fight away,doctor,if you don&39;t mind.

Ellis:Let me see, (5) ?

Jackson:Oh,yes,doctor,I can make it.Thank you.See you then.








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