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The Publication of ______established Emerson as the most eloquent spokesman of New England Transcendentalism.

A. Nature

B. Self-Reliance

C. The American Scholar

D. The Over-Soul

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更多“The Publication of ______estab…”相关的问题
A Release B Publication C Printing D Exposure

公共关系的英文是()。 A. Publication Relations B. Public Relation C. Public Relations


A. Publication Relations

B. Public Relation

C. Public Relations

D. Publication Relation

​In spite of bad(),the new car sells well.















The translator must have an excellent, up-to-date knowledge of his source languages,full f
acility in the handling of his target language, which will be his mother tongue orlanguage of habitual 【B1】______ , and a knowledge and understanding of the latest subject-matter in his field of specialization. This is, as it were, his professional equipment. 【B2】______ this, it is desirable that he stould have an inquiring mind, wide interests, a good memory and the ability to grasp quickly the basic principles of new developments. He should be willing to work 【B3】______ his own, often at high speeds, but should be humble enough to consult others 【B4】______ his own knowledge not always prove adequate to the task in hand. He should be able to type fairly quickly and accurately and, if he is working mainly for publication, should have more than a nodding 【B5】______ with printing techniques and proof-reading. If he is working basically as an information translator, let us say, for an industrial firm, he should have the flexibility of mind to enable him to 【B6】______ rapidly from one source language to another, as well as from one subject-matter to another, since this ability is frequently 【B7】______ of him in such work. Bearing in mind the nature of the translator's work, i.e. the processing of the written word, it is, strictly speaking, 【B8】______ that he should be able to speak the languages he is dealing with. If he does speak them, it is an advantage 【B9】______ a hindrance, but this skill is in many ways a luxury that he can 【B10】______ with. It is, 【B11】______ ,desirable that he should have an approximate idea about the pronunciation of his source languages even if this is restricted to 【B12】______ how proper names and place names are pronounced. The same 【B13】______ to an ability to write his source languages. If he can, well and good; if he cannot, it does not 【B14】______ . There are many other skills and 【B15】______ that are desirable in a translator.






阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确为“T”,错误为“F”。The world’s longest hig


The world’s longest high-speed railway route, running from Beijing to Guangzhou, has been in operation for a few years. It cuts travel time between the two cities from 22 hours to only 8 hours. With comfortable seats and quiet cabins, this high-speed line offers a pleasant journey for thousands of travelers.

The high speed railway connects Beijing with five provincial capitals. Part of the line, from Zhengzhou to Guangzhou, was in operation before the whole line was connected. The opening of the Beijing to Zhengzhou section has connected the entire line. It covers a total length of 2,298 kilometers.

The Beijing-Guangzhou line connects one third of China’s population and more than 40 percent of its economic power. Travelers benefit from the efficient network, and find that their hometowns are not that far away.

As the American publication _Newsweek_ puts itA、China is now engaged in a “railway revolution”. These 350 kilometer per hour high-speed railway trains have made the country’s vast territory “substantially smaller”, and changed the country economically.

1.The world’s longest high-speed railway route, running from Beijing to Guangzhou, has been in operation for a few years.{T、F}

2.It cuts travel time between the two cities from 22 hours to only 6 hours.{T、F}

3. The opening of the Beijing to Zhengzhou section has linked with the total route.{T、F}

4.The Beijing-Guangzhou line connects one third of China’s population and more than 40 percent of its economic power.{T、F}

5.These 350 kilometer per hour high-speed railway trains have made the country’s vast territory “considerably smaller”, and changed the country economically.{T、F}

阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。If you take the fo


If you take the following steps, you can make a satisfactory annual report. And your boss and other supporters will be impressed.

DEFINING YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS. What difference did you make? What has changed in your community or field because of your work over the past year? Take all of your activities over the last 12 months and divide them into three to five major accomplishments.

LESS IS MOREA、BE SELECTIVE. If you include everything, the annual report becomes cluttered with information. You should think about what you want to focus on, and then select statistics to represent that and highlight key achievements with photos, or case studies, etc.

ADDING VISUALS AND CHARTSA、Visuals and charts can reduce the need for texts and details. And they will make the report more attractive. It’s great if you produce a full-color publication with lots of nice photography. Of course, it will depend on your resources.

A STRONG CALL TO ACTIONA、A strong call to action at the end of your report will impress the readers deeply. Make it clear what you’d like your readers to do once they’ve read it.

1. Do you have to gather all the information since you entered the company before writing the annual report? {A、B、C}

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. Not given.

2. Is it reasonable to include everything of the company in order to make the annual report informative? {A、B、C}

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. Not given.

3. What does the underlined phrase “Less is more” mean? {A、B、C}

A. Using fewer words, making fewer parts, and so on, is simpler, and more efficient than the opposite.

B. The fewer, the better.

C. The more, the better.

4. Which is NOT TURE for the functions of the visuals and charts? {A、B、C}

A. They can reduce the need for texts and details.

B. They can make the report more attractive.

C. They can make the report harder to be understood.

5. How many steps should you take to make your report impressive? {A、B、C}

A. Five

B. Three

C. Four

Which Low Carbon Technology Is Now a Reality?A.With fossil fuels expected to supply over 7

Which Low Carbon Technology Is Now a Reality?

A.With fossil fuels expected to supply over 70% of the world"s energy needs by 2040, we face some urgent questions: where should efforts be focused in reducing greenhouse gas emissions? Which technologies hold the most promise? There are a range of low-carbon solutions and given the challenge, we will need them all.We hear a lot about the advances being made by refreshable sources of energy such as solar, wind and hydro-electricity and these are certainly valuable technologies in combating climate change.But how can we really make a m jor impact in reducing carbon emissions from large power plants and industrial facilities? Enter carbon capture and storage——or CCS——a technology that captures CO2 from fossil fuel production and permanently stores it underground.

B.The aim is to prevent the release of large quantities of CO2 into the atmosphere (from fossil fuel use in power generation and other industries ).It is a potential means of relieving the contribution of fossil fuel emissions to global warming and ocean acidification (酸化).Although CO2 has been injected into geological formations for several decades for various purposes, including enhanced oil

recovery, the long term storage of CO2 is a relatively new concept.The first commercial example was Weyburn in 2000.CCS can also be used to describe the scrubbing (涤气 ) of CO2 from environmental air as a climate engineering technique.

C.In November 2014 the Global CCS Institute released its flagship (核心的) publication——the annual Global Status of CCS report.This comprehensive annual update is the prominent source of information on the development of CCS around the world.A lot of work went into updating information in the report, in cooperation with the CCS industry, as there had been quite significant changes to the CCS landscape in the preceding 12 months.This included the launch of a large-scale

CCS project in the power sector and the beginning of construction of the world"s first large-scale CCS project in the iron and steel sector.

D.Large-scale CCS is now a reality in the power sector with the October 2014 launch of the Boundary Dam Integrated Carbon Capture and Storage Demonstration Project in Saskatchewan, Canada.Boundary Dam is the first commercial CCS plant in the power sector, removing 90 per cent of the CO2 produced by electricity generation from lignite (褐煤) coal at Production Unit No.3 of the SaskPower facility.The captured CO is primarily used for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) at the nearby Weyburn oil field, although amounts are also to be stored in deep geological formations at the Aqnistore site.The success of the Boundary Dam project and the progression of additional

projects through planning and construction, indicates that CCS technologies for application in the power sector are "market ready".

E.The next 18 -24 months will see CCS be applied across a range of industries and storage types.A further two large-scale CCS power projects are in construction in the US——the Kemper County Energy Facility in Mississippi and the Petra Nova Carbon Capture Project in Texas.Both projects are expected to be operational in 2016.Also in the US, the Illinois Industrial CCS project planned for launch later this year will capture CO2 from the Archer Daniels Midland corn-to-ethanol (乙醇) plant in Decatur, Illinois for storage in an onshore deep saline formation.The Abu Dhabi CCS project in the United Arab Emirates is under construction and from 2016 will provide the world"s first large- scale demonstration of CO2 capture from iron and steel production.

F.In addition to the 22 large-scale CCS projects currently in operation or construction around the world,14 projects are in advanced stages of planning, many of which are likely to be in a position to make a final investment decision over the coming year.Together this group of projects covers a range of applications for CCS and could extend to around ten in the number of large-scale CCS projects operating in the power sector by the end of the decade.Their progression to operation would add experience in the dedicated geological storage of CO.and see operational large-scale CCS activity extend to China for the first time.

G.2014 saw commercial application in the power sector become a reality and we can look forward to a further expansion across a diverse range of industries in the coming years.The Global CCS Institute continues to cover developments in CCS with up-to-date information, expert insights, workshops, media releases and online seminars.We struggle to make CCS industry information easily accessible and encourage you to engage with us via our website and regular publications.

H.For detailed information on large-scale CCS projects please visit our online Projects page, which you can browse or search for projects based on stage, region, industry o.r capture, transport and storage type.For the first time the Institute"s website contains project descriptions for around 40 lesser scale "remarkable" CCS projects, of which four Japanese "remarkable" CCS projects were the key focus of a chapter in the Global Status of CCS report.For ongoing expert information visit our Insights page, which is regularly updated with articles from experts in carbon capture and storage, public engagement, legal issues and policy developments.

I.To join in the discussion you can attend meetings and workshops around the world, and participate in online seminars where you will have the opportunity to listen to and ask questions of a range of experts.Visit our Events page to see upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops and seminars.Finally, for a range of up-to-date news and more detailed information, visit our news and publications sections.We look forward to covering this exciting period in the development of CCS and providing you with the latest information and important issues for the sector.

Carbon dioxide has been stored in geological formations for different purposes; however, its long term storage is comparatively new. 查看材料

Data sharing: an open mind on open date[ A] It is a movement building steady momentum: a c

Data sharing: an open mind on open date

[ A] It is a movement building steady momentum: a call to make research data, software code and experimental methods publicly available and transparent. a spirit of openness is gaining acceptance in the science community, and is the only way, say advocates, to address a&39;crisis&39; incience whereby too few findings are successfully reproduced. furthermore, they say, it is the best way for researchers to gather the range of observations that are necessary to speed up discoveries or to identify large-scale trends.

[B] the open-data shift poses a confusing problem for junior researchers. on the one hand,the drive to share is gathering official steam. since 2013, global scientific bodies have begun to back politics that support increased public access to reseach.on the other hand,scientists disagree about how much and when they should share date,and they debate whether sharing it is more likely to accelerate science and make it more robust, or to introduce vulnerabilities and problems.as more journals and make it more robust,or to introduce vulnerabilities and problems.as more journal and funders adopt data-sharing requirements, and as a growing number of enthusiasts call for more openness, junior researchers must find their place between adopters and those who continue to hold out, even as they strive to launch their own careers.

[C] one key challenge facing young scientists is how to be open without becoming scientifically vulnerable. they must determine the risk of jeopardizing a job offer or a collaboration prosal from those who are wary of-or unfamiliar with -open science. and they must learn How to capitalize on the movement&39;s benefits such as opportunities for more citations and a way to build a reputation without the need for conventional metrics, such as publication in high-impact journals.

[D] some fields have embraced open data more than others. researchers in psychology, a field rocked by findings of irreproducibility in the past few years, have been especially vocal sup-porters of the drive for more-open science.A few psychology journals have created incentives to increase interest in repar open science. a few psychology journals have created incentives porters of the drive for me lucible science -for example, by affixing an",badge to articles that clearly state where data are available. according to social psychologist brian nose executive director of the center for open science, the average data-sharing rate for the journal Psychological science, which uses the badges, increased tenfold to 38% from 2013 to 2015.

[E] funders, too, are increasingly adopting an open-data policy .several strongly ergement,and some require,a date-management plan that makes data available .The us national science foundation is among these, some philanthropic (慈善的) funders, including the bill Gates foundation in seattle, washington, and the wellcome trust in london, alopen data from their grant recipients.

[F] but many young researchers, especially those who have not been mentored in open science .are uncertain about whether to share or to stay private.Graduate students and postdoes,who often are working on their lab head&39;s grant may have no choice if their supervisor or another senior opposes sharing.

[G] some fear that the potential impact of sharing is too high, especially at the early stages of a career." Everybody has a scary story about someone getting scooped(被抢先),” says new York university astronomer david hogg. those fears may be a factor in a lingering hesitation to share data even when publishing in journals that mandate it.

[H] researchers at small labs or at institutions focused on teaching arguably have the most to lose when sharing hard-won data. ""with my institution and teaching load, i don&39;t have postdocs and grad students", says terry mcglynn, a tropical biologist at california state university,Dominguez hills. "the stakes are higher to share data because it&39;s a bigger fraction of hats happening in my lab.

[I] researchers also point to the time sink that is involved in preparing data for others to view.Once the data and associated materials appear in a repository(存储库 ), answering questions and handling complaints can take many hours.

[J] the time investment can present other problems. in some cases, says data scientist karthik Ram, it may be difficult for junior researchers to embrace openness when senior colleagues many of whom head selection and promotion teesht ridicule what they may view as misplaced energies. "i&39;ve heard this recently -that embracing the idea of open datad code makes traditional academics uncomfortable, "says ram. "the concem seems to be that open advocates don&39;t spend their time being as productive as possible."

[ K]an open-science stance can also add complexity to a collaboration. kate ratliff, who studies social attitudes at the university of florida, gainesville, says that it can seem as if there are two camps in a field-those who care about open science and those who don&39;t . " there a new area to navigate-&39;are you cool with the fact that i&39;ll want to make the data open?&39;-when talking with somebody about an interesting research idea, "she says.

[L] despite complications and concerns, the upsides of sharing can be significant. for example,when information is uploaded to a repository, a digital object identifier(DOI)is assigned.

Scientists can use a DOT to publish each step of the research life cycle, not just the final paper. In so doing, they can potentially get three citations- one each for the data and software.in addition to the paper itself. and although some say that citations for software or data have little currency in academia,they can have other benefits.

[M] many advocates think that transparent data procedures with a date and time stamp will protect scientists from being scooped. "this is the sweet spot between sharing and getting credit for it. while discouraging plagiarism(剽窃). " says ivo grigorov, a project coordinator at the naional institute of aquatic resot

Research secreta - in charlottenlund, denmark. hogg says that scooping is less of a problem than many think. "the two cases i&39;m familiar with didn&39;t involve open data or code, "he says.

[N] Open science also offers junior researchers the chance to level the palying field by gaining better access to crucial date. ross mounce, a postdoc studying evolutionary biology at the university of cambrige,UK, is a vocal champion of open science, partly because his fossil others&39; data. he says that more openness in science could help to discourage what some perceive as a commom practice of shutting out early-career scientists&39; requests for data.

[O] communication also helps for those who worry about jeopardizing a collaboration, he says,Concems about open should be discussed at the outset of a study. "whenever you start a project with someone, you have to establish a clear understanding of expectations for who owns the data, at what point they go public and who can do what with them, he says.

[p] in the end, sharing data, software and materials with colleagues can help an early -career researcher to gain recognition--a crucial component of success. "the thing you are searching for reputation" says titus brown,a genomics(基因组学) researcher at the university of Califomia, davis,."to get grants and jobs you have to be relevant and achieve some level of public recognition. anything you do that advances your presence- especially in a larger

phere, outside the communities you know- is a net win."

36. astronomer david hogg doesn&39;t think scooping is as serious a problem as generally thought.

37. some researchers are hesitant to make their data public for fear that others might publish something similar before them

38. some psychology joumals have offered incentives to encourage authors to share their data.

39. there is a growing demand in the science community that research data be open to the public.40. sharing data offers early-career researchers the chance to build a certain level of reputation

41. data sharing enables scientists to publish each step of their research work, thus leading to more citations

42. scientists hold different opinions about the extent and timing of data sharing

43. potential problems related to data sharing should be made known to and discussed by all participants at the beginning of a joint research project

44. sharing data and handling data-related issues can be time-consuming

45. junior researehers may have no say when it comes to sharing data.

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