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The next big breakthrough in artificial intelligence could come from giving machines not j

ust more logical capacity, but emotional capacity as well.

Feelings aren't usually associated with inanimate machines, but Rosalind Picard, a professor of computer technology at MIT, believes emotion may be just the thing computers need to work effectively. Computers need artificial emotion to understand their human users better and to achieve self-analysis and self-improvement.

The more scientists study the "wetware" model for computing—the human brain and nervous system—the more they conclude that emotions are a part of intelligence, not separate from it. Emotions are among the tools that we use to process the tremendous amount of stimuli in our environment. They also pay a role in human learning and decision making. Feeling bad about a wrong decision, for instance, focuses attention on avoiding future error. A feeling of pleasure, on the other hand, positively reinforces an experience.

"If we want computers to be genuinely intelligent, to adapt to us, and to interact naturally with us, then they will need the ability to recognize and express emotions, to have emotions, and to have what has come to be called 'emotional intelligence,'" Picard says.

One way that emotions can help computers, she suggests, is by helping keep them from crashing. Today's computers produce error messages, but they do not have a "gut feeling" of knowing when something is wrong or doesn't make sense. A healthy fear of death could motivate a computer to stop trouble as soon as it starts. On the other hand, self-preservation would need to be subordinate to service to humans. It was fear of its own death that prompted HAL, the fictional computer in the film 2002: A Space Odyssey, to kill most of its human associates.

Similarly, computers that could "read" their users would accumulate a store of highly personal information about us—not just what we said and did, but what we likely thought and felt.

"Emotions not only contribute to a richer quality of interaction, but they directly impact a person's ability to interact in an intelligent way," Picard says. "Emotional skills, especially the ability to recognize and express emotions, are essential for natural communication with humans."

In the future computers will tend to be made ______.





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更多“The next big breakthrough in a…”相关的问题
As far back as he could remember, Larry had longed to go to Hollywood and become a film st
ar. The young man's hopes for success were broken again and again, however. Hollywood just did not seem interested. When he first came to California Larry had decided never to give up and return home without success. Therefore, he kept on trying. Someday, he told himself, his big opportunity would come.

Larry found a job parking cars for one of Hollywood's big restaurants. His pay was basic, but since the guests were kind enough to give him more money, he managed to make a living.

One day he recognized an important film director driving into the parking lot and getting out of his car. Larry had recently heard that the man was ready to make a new picture.

Larry got into the car and prepared to drive it on into the lot and park it. Then he stopped, jumped out, and ran over to the director. "Excuse me, sir, but I think it's only fair to tell you that it's now or never if you want me in your next picture. A lot of big companies are after me."

Instead of pushing away the boy, the director got interested in Larry's words and stopped. "Yes? Which companies?" he asked.

"Well," replied the boy, "there's the telephone company, the gas company, and the electric company, to tell you only a few."

The director laughed, then wrote something on a card and handed it to the young man. "Come and see me tomorrow."

Larry got a small part in the director's next film. He was on his way!

Which of the following was Larry interested in?

A.Working as a waiter.

B.Becoming a film star.

C.Parking cars for film stars.

D.Never going home.

Xiaoyan: I have most of the things I need.We don' t need to buy any rice, and we d
on't need any peas.

Mary: We need some oranges.How many do we need to buy?

Xiaoyan: Four are enough.And we need some cream.

Mary: How much cream do we need to buy for four people?

Xiaoyan: Two cartons? Shall we get a melon and some wine? And 1 haven' t got any coffee.

Mary: OK.And lychees.Two tins?

Xiaoyan: How many lychees do you get in a tin?

Mary: 1 don' t know.Let' s get a big tin.We also need some mineral water.

Xiaoyan: And the prawns.How many prawns?

Mary: One big packet will do.I also need to get some vegetables for next week potatoes, carrots, onions, and a cabbage 1 think.There' s a little greengrocer's along the road.Why don't we go there first?

1、How many oranges does Xiaoyan want to buy? ()


B.A kilo.


2、Do they need any cream? ()

A.Yes, they do.

B.No , they don't.

C.The text does not tell us

3、How many prawns do they want to buy? ()

A.A packet.

B.Two packets.

C.Three packets.

4、Who would like to have some vegetables? ()




5、Which is not included (包括) in the shopping list? ()

A.Rice and peas.

B.Potatoes and coffee.

C.Melons and wine.

阅读材料,回答题。Man cannot go on increasing his number at the present rate. In the next 30


Man cannot go on increasing his number at the present rate. In the next 30 years man will faca period of crisis. Some experts believe that there will be a widespread food___ 51 ____. Other experthink this is too pessimistic (悲观的), and that man can prevent things from___ 52 ____worse tha they are now. But remember that two thirds of the people in the world are under-nourished or stmving now.

One thing that man can do is to limit the___ 53 ____of babies born. The need for this is obvious but it is not easy to achieve. People have to be___ 54 ____to limit their families. In the countries of the population___ 55 ____, many people like big families. The parents think that this makes a bigger income for the family and ensures there will be someone in the family who will look___ 56 ____them in old age.

Several governments have___ 57 ____birth control policies in recent years. Among them are Japan, China, India and Egypt. In some cases the results have not been successful. Japan has been an___ 58____The Japanese adopted a birth control policy in 1921~3. People were___ 59 ____to limit their families. The birth rate fell from 34.3 per thousand per year to about 17.0 per year___ 60 ____ present.

________ 查看材料





There're only 800 people in Fairfield, and most of them do the same thing at the same time
every' week day. Every morning, Monday through Friday, when the big clock strikes seven, old Bruce Hunt walks past the Farmers' Bookshop. He's on his way to work at the bus-station. And when Bruce walks past the book shop, Robert Brown opens his shop next door and waves to Bruce. When Robert waves to Bruce, you can set your watch and you know it's seven.

If you miss Bruce and Robert, you can set your watch when Miss Mary Smith opens the door of the post office. You know it's seven fifty-five. She has five minutes to get ready for work—to put away her raincoat

and take off her hat and coat. Rain or shine, Miss Mary Smith brings raincoat. "You never can tell what the weather will be like when it's time to go home," she always says.

One after another the shops along Main Street open for the day. The clothes shop and the fruit shop get open for business. When Mr. King opens the bookshop, the clock above the shop strides nine.

But every weekday, people go to bed early in Fairfield. The streets are quiet, and the houses are dark when the big clock over the Farmers' Bookshop strikes tell o'clock. The small town is getting ready for tomorrow.

The post office starts its business at ______ every weekday.





There was a big pile of bricks on the top of a tall building and a man had to bring them d
own to the ground. He had a long rope which went over a pulley(滑轮) at the roof of the building. The other end was fastened to a big box.

First he pulled the box up to the top of the building, and fastened the end of the rope so that the box could not come down. Then he climbed up the ladder and filled the box with bricks. Next he climbed down the ladder and untied the rope. Unfortunately the box of bricks was heavier than the man, and as a result he was pulled up by the: rope. Half-way up, the box of bricks hit him as it was coming down.

When he reached the top, his head hit the pulley. The box of bricks hit the ground and broke. As a result the bricks fell out. The box was then lighter than the man and consequently he began to come down and the box began to go up.

Half-way up, the box hit the man. The man still held on to the rope and the box therefore Continued to go up. The man then reached the ground. Then he let go the rope to rub his head. The box, of course, then fell down and hit the man on the head again. As a result, an ambulance came and took him to hospital

Why did the man fasten the end of the rope before he climbed up the ladder?

A.He was afraid that someone would steal his box.

B.Because he wanted to climb up along the rope.

C.He fastened the end of the rope in order to keep the box unmoved.

D.Because he wanted to prevent the box from coming down.

Unless we spend money spotting and preventing asteroids now, one might crash into Earth an
d destroy life as we know, say some scientists.

Asteroids are different forms of the meteoroids that race across the night sky. Most orbits the sun far from Earth and don't threaten us. But there are also thousands of asteroids whose orbits put them on a violent coming course together with Earth.

Buy $ 50 million worth of new telescopes right now. Then spend $10 mil]ion a year for the next 25 years to locate most of the space rocks. By the time we spot a fatal one, the scientists say, we'll have a way to change its course.

Some scientists favor pushing asteroids off course with nuclear weapons. But the cost wouldn't be cheap.

Is it worth it? Two things experts consider when judging any risk are: 1) How likely the event is; and 2) How bad the consequences if the event occurs. Experts think asteroids big enough to destroy lots of life might strike Earth once every 500,000 years. Sounds pretty rare but if one did fall it would be the end of the world. "If we don't take care of these big asteroids, they'll take care of us. "Says one scientist. "Its that simple."

The cure, though, might be worse than the disease, Do we really want fleets of nuclear weapons silting around on Earth? "The world has less to fear from doomsday rocks than from a great nuclear fleet set against them. "Said a New York Times article.

What does the passage say about asteroids and meteoroids?

A.They are heavenly bodies similar in nature.

B.There are more asteroids than meteoroids.

C.They are heavenly bodies different in composition.

D.Asteroids are more mysterious than meteoroids.

The Supreme Court's recent decision allowing regional interstate banks has done away with
one restriction in America's banking operation, although many others still remain. Although the ruling does not apply to very large money-center banks, it is a move in a liberalizing direction that could at last push Congress into framing a sensible legal and regulatory system that allows banks to plan their future beyond the next court case.

The restrictive laws that the courts are interpreting are mainly a legacy of the bank failures of the 1930's. The current high rate of bank failure—higher than at any time since the Great Depression—has made legislators afraid to remove the restrictions. While their legislative timidity is understandable, it is also mistaken. One reason so many American banks are getting into trouble is precisely that the old restrictions make it hard for them to build a domestic base large and strong enough to support their activities in today's telecommunicating round-the-clock, around-the-world financial markets. In trying to escape from this restrictions, banks are taking enormous, and what should be unnecessary, risks. For example, would a large bank be buying small, failed savings banks at inflated prices if federal laws and states regulations permitted that bank to explain instead through the acquisition of financially healthy banks in the region? Of course not. The solution is clear. American banks will be sounder when they are not geographically limited. The house of Representative's banking committee has shown part of the way forward by recommending common-sense, though limited, legislation for a five-year transition to nationwide banking. This would give regional banks time to group together to form. counterweights to the big money-center banks. Without this breathing space the big money-center banks might soon extend across the country to develop. But any such legislation should be regarded as only a way station on the road towards a complete examination of America's suitable banking legislation.

The author's attitude towards the current banking laws is best described as one of ______.

A.concerned dissatisfaction

B.tolerant disapproval

C.uncaring indifference

D.great admiration

Once a landlord wanted to plant garlic in his fields. He found a group of boys and asked t
hem to do the work for him. At lunch time he did not invite the boys to have lunch with his family. The boys had to sit by the door and have lunch on the ground. The landlord was afraid that other people would see the bad food for the boys. So with a smile on his face he said to them: “Boys, go and eat in the house. This is for your food. If you eat here by the door, the dogs will bite you.” The boys were surprised. But they said nothing and went to eat in the house. The landlord was quite pleased.

Supper time came and the boys went into the house again. When they walked past the landlord‘s room, they looked in through the window. What do you think they saw there? They saw a big table with white bread and all kinds of good food on it. The landlord and his family were sitting around the table and eating their dinner. But the food for the boys was bad. The boys were very angry. They wanted to teach the landlord a lesson. So they decided to plant his garlic upside down. And that was what they did the next day.

A few days later the garlic was coming out everywhere but not in the landlord‘s fields. The landlord was very surprised and asked the boys why this was so. “The garlic is afraid that the dogs will bite it,” the boys answered.

The landlord asked the boys to come because ________.

A.he wanted them to plant garlic for him

B.he wanted to invite them to have lunch with his family

C.he wanted to tell them to sit by the door

D.he wanted them to plant vegetables for him

Mark went to the neighborhood meeting after work. The area's city councilwoman (女议员) wa

Mark went to the neighborhood meeting after work. The area's city councilwoman (女议员) was leading a discussion about how the quality of life was decreasing. The neighborhood faced many problems. People were supposed to suggest solutions to the councilwoman. It was too much for Mark. "The problems are too big," he thought. He turned to the man next to him and said, "I think this is a waste of my time. Nothing I could do would make a difference here."

On his way back, Mark saw a woman carrying a grocery hag and baby. She was trying to unlock her car, but she didn't have a free hand. As Mark got closer, her other child, a little boy, suddenly darted into the street. The woman tried to reach for him, but as she moved, her bag shifted and groceries started to fall out. Mark ran to take the boy's arm and led him back to his mother. Then he picked up the groceries while the woman smiled in relief. "Thanks!" she said. "You've got great timing (适时) !"

"Just being neighborly (友好的) ," Mark said. As he rode home, he glanced at the walls of the bus passed by. On one of them was "Small acts of kindness add up." Mark smiled and thought, "Maybe that's a good place to start."

In the first paragraph, Mark thought that______.

A.nobody was so able as to solve these problems

B.many people were too selfish to think about others

C.he was not in the position to solve such problems

D.he already had more than enough work to do

Ethosuzimide, which was developed in the 1950s, is commonly used to treat epilepsy,
though it is no known precisely how the drug controls convulsions. There is no anecdotal evidence that it has had an anti-aglng effect in people. The next step, Komfeld says, is to test if the drugs have an anti-aging effect on animal like flies and mice。 Very little is known about the aging process. From genetic analysis, researchers have found that an in sulin-like signaling system regulates aging and longevity. A good diet can delay aging and extend a person life span. But scientists know virtually nothing about the effect of drugs on aging. “It’s a big void, ” Konfeld said。 In addition to delaying age-related degenerative changes, the drugs also increased neuromuscular activty, suggesting a link between the neuromuscular system and the aging process。

A. But Komfeld said scientists will not know about the applicability of the drugs in humans until a similar study is done on humans. “What’s very encouraging is that these drugs were developed to treat humans, and they are well understood, because they’ve been used for a long time, ” he said。

B. Later the scientists discovered that two related anticonvulsant drugs also lengthened the lives of the worms-in the case of one drug, by almost 50 percent. “This was a big surprise to use, Komfeld said. ”“We didn’t think anticonvulsant drugs had any particular relationship to aging. That connection was completely unexpected. ”

C. Roundworms are a poor subject for experiments, because they are not like humans, even though their molecules are similar. For example, they have no bones, nor do they show emotions, making it difficult to know how exactly human subjects would react to these drugs in large quantities. However, using the worms allows experiments to be conducted quickly, because they do not live for long。

D. “Somehow the neural activity seems to regulate the aging of all of the body the skin, musculature, and reproductive tract, ” Kornfeld said. “Somehow the nervous system coordinates the progress of all these tissues, evidently, though the life stages. But we don’t know how it does that. ”

E. The discovery may also shed light on the little-understood aging process. Since the drugs act on the neuromuscular systems of both humans and worms, the findings hint at a link between neural activity and aging。

F. Unlike vertebrates, the worms are ideal subjects for the study of aging because of their short life spans, which last only a couple of weeks in a laboratory. The worm is well known in genetics, and the worm’s genome has been sequenced。

G. Use of this drug has been permitted by law since 1998 and wider use is now expected as a result of the studies. “We can clearly link this drug with human aging, but we still need to find proof, says Kornfeld optimistically. ”

根据内容回答下列各题,For some minutes, all was quiet in the street. Then from across the s
treet someone came walking. It looked like a man of middle height, dressed in a big raincoat, a soft hat and rubber-soled boots or shoes, and making little sound while walking. No one was in sight. It was a street with two rows of about fifty small houses and there were three lamps on either side. The lamp nearest to the child’s house could be seen clearly, but the others were almost hidden by the smoky air. A car passed the end of the street and its lights showed faintly, but clearly enough to show the smooth skin of a woman’s face. The car disappeared as the woman, wrapped up in her coat, reached the doorway of the child’s house. She put a key in the lock quickly, pushed the door open and stepped inside, then closed the door without looking round.She began to breathe hard. She leaned against the door for a moment, then straightened up as if with an effort, and walked towards the door of the front room, the passage leading to the kitchen, and the narrow staircase. She hesitated outside the door, then went up the stairs quickly but with hardly a soun D.There was enough light from the narrow hall to show the four doors leading off a small landing (楼梯平台). She pushed each door open in turn and shone a torch inside, and the light fell upon beds, walls, furniture, a bathroom hand-basin, a mirror which flashed brightness back; but this was not what the woman was looking for. She turned away and went downstairs, and hesitated again at the foot of the stairs, then turned towards the kitchen. Clearly there was nothing there, or in the small washroom that she wante D.Two rooms remained; the front room and a smaller one next to it. She opened the front room door. After a moment, she saw the child’s bed and the child. The lights of the car passing the end of the street showed that .

A.a woman was driving the car

B.someone was standing by a street lamp

C.a man and a woman were walking up the street

D.a woman was walking by herself up the street

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