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He chose a tie which would () his suit.


B.go with



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更多“He chose a tie which would () …”相关的问题
Henry's job was to examine cars which crossed the frontier to make sure that they were not
smuggling anything into the country. Every morning,except at weekends,he (11) see a factory worker coming up the hill towards the frontier, (12) a bicycle with a big load of old straw on it. When the bicycle arrived the frontier,Henry used to stop the man and order him to take the straw off. Then he would examine the straw very carefully to see (13) he could find anything,after which he would look in all the man's pockets before he let him tie the straw up again. The man would then put it on his bicycle and go off down the hill with it. Although Henry was always (14) to find gold or jewelry or other valuable things hidden in the straw,he never found (15) ,even though he examined it very carefully. He was sure that the man was smuggling something,but he was not (16) 鱼to imagine what it could be.

Then one evening,after he had looked through the straw and emptied the factory worker's pockets (17) usual,he said to him,“Listen,I know that you are smuggling things (18) this frontier. Won't you tell me what it is that you're bringing into the country so successfully? I'm an old man,and today's my last day on the job. Tomorrow I'm going to (19) . I promise that I shall not tell anyone if you tell me what you've been smuggling. ”The factory worker did not say anything for (20) . Then he smiled,turned to Henry and said quietly:“Bicycles. ”

A. should

B. might

C. would

D. must

完成下列各题 D Popular British author,Charles Dickens’(1812—187

完成下列各题 D Popular British author,Charles Dickens’(1812—1870)family could hardly make ends meet.They could only afford to send one of their six children to school.Dickens was not that child.His parents chose to send a daughter,who had a talent for music,to an academy. His lather was placed in prison for debts.And,being the oldest male at home,Dickens worked at a factory.His horrible experience there became the ruel for his future writing.His father was freed three months later,and Dickens was then sent to school. From l836 to 1837,he wrote a series of stories.Thus the Pickwick Papers came into being,which brought fame to him.His works are Oliver Twist,Tale of Two Cities,David Copperlield and Hard Times. “I do not write bitterly or angrily.for I know all these things have worked together to make me what I am.”he once said. His difficult childhood did indeed shape the person he became,as well as his writing career there are shades of young Dickens in many of his most beloved characters,including David Coppeffield and Oliver Twist.“Minds,like bodies,will often fall into an ill—conditioned state from too much comfort.”he once wrote. The book that called public attention to Dickens was________.

A.David Copperfield

B.Oliver Twist

C.Tale of Two Cities

D.The Pickwick Papers

Fat her meant him ______ into business, but he chose to study medicine.A.goingB.to have go

Fat her meant him ______ into business, but he chose to study medicine.


B.to have gone

C.to go

D.having gone

Popular British author,Charles Dickens’(1812—1870)family could hardly make ends meet. They

Popular British author,Charles Dickens’(1812—1870)family could hardly make ends meet. They could only afford to send one of their six children to school. Dickens was not that child. His parents chose to send a daughter, who had a talent for music, to an academy. Then at the age of 12,Dickens’ life took another turn for the worse.

His father, a clerk, was placed in prison for unpaid debts. And, being the oldest male left at home, Dickens took up work at a factory. His horrible experience there became the fuel for his future writing. His father was freed three months later and inherited a small amount of money.Dickens was then sent to school.

From 1836 to 1837, he wrote a monthly series of stories. Thus The Pickwick Papers, came into being, which brought fame to him.

Throughout his career, Dickens covers various situations in his novels. He wrote about the miserable lives of the poor in Oliver Twist, the French Revolution in Tale of Two Cities, and social reform. in Hard Times. He also wrote David Copperfield, a book thought to be modeled on his own life.

“I do not write bitterly or angrily, for I know all these things have worked together to make me what I am,” he once said. His difficult childhood did indeed shape the person he became, as well as his writing career. There are shades of young Dickens in many of his most beloved characters, including David Copperfield and Oliver Twist.

Like the author, all these characters come from poor beginnings and are able to rise above their setbacks and achieve success. u Minds, like bodies, will often fall into an ill-conditioned state from too much comfort.’’ he once wrote. On June 9th, 1870, aged 58,Dickens died, leaving one unfinished work. The words on his tombstone read:“He was a sympathizer to the poor, the suffering and the oppressed,and by his death,one of England’ s greatest writers is lost to the world. ”

The book that first called public attention to Dickens was_____.

A.The Pickwick Papers

B.Oliver Twist

C.Tale of Two Cities

D.David Copperfield

The underlined word “shades”,in the passage means “_____”A.symbols




How did Dickens see his childhood?A.He felt grateful for it.

B.He felt it a pity that things weren, t in his favor.

C.He loved writing about it.

D.He chose to forget the bitterness about it.


The U. S. Army Infantry (步兵), which calls Fort Benning home, has fought in every major c

The U. S. Army Infantry (步兵), which calls Fort Benning home, has fought in every major conflict involving the nation's military. Yet developing a program for effective infantry training came neither quickly nor easily. The first movement to shape the country's foot soldiers into a superior force came more than 200 years ago at the request of the general who became the first president of the United States.

Revolutionary forces commanded by General George Washington were barely surviving as they camped at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, during the winter of 1777. Washington realized that his soldiers, shivering in rags. Needed better training if there were to be any hope of winning against the well-schooled British army. He sought advice from the respected Prussian (普鲁士) general, Baron Fredreich von Steuben.

Von Steuben agreed to help, but recognized the huge challenge he faced to change the loose band of rebels into a disciplined, well-organized force. As one observer at the time noted, the colonial army "was the finest body of troops he had ever seen out of step '. Von 8teuben's own assessment was that the Continental Army was a shame. "There was no uniformity of drill, no similarity of organization , and no teamwork of any kind ", wrote Leroy Yarborough, first lieutenant (中尉) of infantry , in an unpublished 1931 history of Fort Benning. No two companies drilled alike. And they all drilled poorly.

But Von Steuben was resourceful and energetic and known for his persuasiveness. He established standard drill exercises and taught them patiently, but persistently to the troops. Once he saw progress, he chose those most skilled in military formations to demonstrate for the rest to imitate. This practice of using the best troops to model techniques and tactics become fundamental in military training, continuing long after the Revolutionary War. For his efforts, Von Steuben is known as the "Father of the U. S. Infantry."

The first two paragraphs tell us ______.

A.how Von Steuben became the general of the American infantry

B.how the revolutionary forces came to be commanded by Washington

C.how Washington set about asking von Steuben to train his soldiers

D.how poorly organized the Americans were compared to the British army

Henrey&39;s job was to examine cars crossed th...

Henrey&39;s job was to examine cars crossed the frontier to make sure that they were not smugling anything into the country. Every morning, except weekends. He ___21____see a factory worker coming up the hill towards frontier, pushing a bicycle with a big load of old straw on it. When the bicycle.___22___he frontier, Henry used to stop the manand make him take the straw off and,___23___it. Then he would examine the staw very carefully to see 24 he could find anything, after which he would look in all the man&39;s pockets before he let him tie the straw up ngain. The man would then put it on his bicycle and go off down the hill with it. Although Henry was always___ 25___to find gold or jewelry or other valuable things hidden in the staw, he never found___26___,even though he examined it very carefully. He was sure that the man was__27__ something. but he was not able to imagine what it could be. Then one morning,after he had looked___28___ the straw and emptied the factory worker&39;s pockers__29__usual, he___30___ to him,“Listen I know that you are smuggling things 31 this frontier, Won&39;t you tell me what it is that you&39;re bringing into the country so successfully? I&39;m an old man. and today is my last day on the___32__Tomorrow I&39; m going to___ 33__,I promise that I shall not tell___34___ if you tell me what you&39;ve been smuggling.”The factory worker did not say anything for____35___. Then he smiled, turned to Henry and said quiely:"Bicycles."























































C.no one


A.long time



D.some time

Chen:Your manager looks very__________.Simon:Yeah.He always wears a dark suit with a tie

Chen:Your manager looks very__________.

Simon:Yeah.He always wears a dark suit with a tie.

Chen:Is he very strict with you?

Simon:Yeah.He seldom smiles.





The Ford family came from Ireland to the United States in 1847. Their child Henry was born
in 1863. He had an interest in mechanics. He invented a car called the quadricycle which had four wheels. It essentially (实质上) had four bicycle tires and no cab (司机室).

Henry built race cars in the 1890’s and even became a race car driver. But he wanted to build cars for everyone: to use, so he began the Ford Motor Company in 1903. He had formulated (制定) a business motto which would be the reason for his success. "The way to make automobiles is to make one automobile like another automobile, to make them all alike." His company declared that they could make automobiles in any color, as long as it was black.

Henry gave much credit to his wife whom he called "The Believer". From the earliest days of their relationship she was the one who encouraged him to build a horseless carriage. Her belief in him was a constant encouragement to produce what would become tile primary mode of transportation in the future.

Henry's greatest task was to produce a gasoline engine that would be the power for his car. He finally produced so many hours each day that his friends called him crazy Henry. tie was inspired to work until his invention would work effectively.

When he designed the Model T, he decided he could build it cheaply for what he called "the great multitude(批量)." To do this he had to design an assemble line where many cars could be bilt in a single day. Each worker would have only his individual parts to put on each car. Then he could limit himself to the few tools needed for the task.

The Model T was introduced in 1908 and began to be produced on an assembly line in 1913. Henry Ford was the major figure in the auto industry for the next fifteen years.

On May 26, 1927, Henry watched the 15 millionth Model T Ford roll off the assembly tine. He had become the richest man in America. He was able to bring the price low enough so that most Americans could buy his car. This gave every family much independence, for they could move about freely without the aid of others’ transporting them.

Because he did not change his Model T, others began experimenting with different types of cars. However, the Ford Motor Company still exists and all car owners are indebted (受惠于) to the creation of the automobile by Henry Ford.

To make cars, Henry first of all needed ______.

A.his wife’s encouragement

B.a lot of money to buy equipment

C.engineers and technicians

D.to produce a gasoline engine that would be the power for his car

Which of the following are considered the proper ways of using a napkin()?
A.Place the napkin on your lap with one fold toward your knees

B.Take the napkin out to your side and shake it before placing it on your lap

C.Tuck the napkin in at your neckline to protect your tie or shirt

D.If you need to leave the table during the meal, place the napkin in your chair

"Wanted by the FBI." To the murderer, or the bank robber, these are the most frightening w
ords in the world. When the criminal (罪犯) hears them, he knows that six thousand trained persons are after him.

Why should he be so afraid? There are hundreds of cities and thousands of villages where he can hide. There are large forests and deserts where he can lose himself. Besides, he's usually rich with stolen money.

Money can make it easier to hide. With money, the criminal can pay a dishonest doctor to operate on his face and make him hard to recognize. Money can pay for a hideout in some far-off place. But the criminal knows what happened to public enemies such as John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson, and Machine Gun Kelly. They had plenty of money and good hideouts. Yet one by one they were found by the men of the FBI.

They know every trick the criminal knows and many more. If he makes just one mistake, they'll get him. That's why the man who is hunted can't sleep. That's why he becomes nervous, why he jumps at every sound. When he makes a mistake, he'll no longer be "wanted by the FBI". He'll have been caught.

The FBI began on May 10, 1924. Attorney General Harlan F. Stone chose J. Edgar Hoover, a young lawyer in the Department of Justice, to head the new agency (机构). "What we need is a wholly new kind of police force," he said. "Criminals today are smart. They use stolen cars and even planes to make their gateways. They have learned to open any lock. The criminal would have discovered science. We can't beat them with old methods. We have to train officers to work scientifically."

J. Edgar Hoover quietly went ahead with his plans. He picked his men carefully. They had to be between the ages of twenty-five and thirty-five. He wanted only men with good manners and good character. When working as his officers they would have to meet all kinds of people. Hoover wanted men who could handle a teacup as well as a gun. He chose men so carefully that he made the FBI the hardest service in the world to get into. The FBI cannot help in every police problem. It can look into only certain crimes against the government. Solving all other crimes is the duty of local police forces.

A man wanted by the FBI will find that money is ______.

A.not at all useful

B.very helpful for a while

C.necessary for staying free

D.important and useful


Mr. Jones woke early one morning, before the sun had risen. It was a beautiful morning, _31_ he

went to the window and looked out. He was _32_ to see a neatly-dressed and mid-aged professor, who _33_ in the university just up the road from Mr. Jones‘ house, coming the

direction of the town. He had grey hair thick glasses, and was _34 an umbrella, a

morning newspaper and a bag. Mr. Jones thought that he must have _35_ by the night train _36_ taking

a taxi.

Mr. Jones had a big tree in his garden, and the children had tied a long _37_ to one of the branches,

so that they could swing on it.

Mr. Jones saw the professor _38_ when he saw the rope and looked carefully up and down the road.

When he saw that there was _39_ in sight, he stepped into the garden (there was no fence), put his

umbrella, newspaper, bag and hat nearly on the grass and _40_ the rope. He pulled it _41_ to see

whether it was strong enough to take his weight, then ran as fast as he could and swung into

the _42_ on the end of the rope, his grey hair blowing all around _43_. _44_ he swung, sometimes

taking a few more _45_ steps on the grass when the rope began to swing _46_ slowly for him.

_47_ the professor stopped, straightened his tie, combed his hair carefully, put on his hat, _48_

his umbrella, newspaper and bag, and continued _49_ his way to the university, looking as _50_

and correct and respectable as one would expect a professor to be.


A. because

B. as

C. so

D. for

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