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We can provide this service Our company has lots of experience of work for the concert sec






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Climate disruption, biodiversity loss and pollution threaten lives, jobs and health. I
ts time to re-evaluate and reset our relationship with nature. Solutions are available, affordable, practical and realistic. We can provide renewable energy and sustainable food systems for all. We can reduce emissions and use nature-based solutions to help us build a more resilient, carbon-neutral world.

We live in a society in there is a lot of talk about【M1】______science, but I would say tha

We live in a society in there is a lot of talk about 【M1】______

science, but I would say that there are not 5 percent of

the people who are equipped with schooling, including

college, to understand scientific reasoning. We are

more ignorant of science as people with comparable 【M2】______

educations in Western Europe.

There are a lot of kids who know everything about

Computers who to build them, how to take them apart,

how to write programs for games. So if you ask them 【M3】______

to explain about the principles of physics that have gone 【M4】______

into creating the computer, you don't have the faintest idea. 【M5】______

The failure to understand science leads to such

things like the neglect of the human creative power. 【M6】______

It also takes rise to a blurring(模糊) of the distinction 【M7】______

between science and technology. Lots of people don't

differ between the two. Science is the production 【M8】______

of new knowledge that can be applied or not, since 【M9】______

technology is the application of knowledge to the

production of some products, machinery or the like.

The two are really very different, and people who have

the faculty for one very seldom have a faculty for the other.

Science in itself is harmless, more or less. But as

soon as it can provide technology, it is not necessarily

harmful. No society has yet learned how to forecast the 【M10】______

consequences of new technology, which can be enormous.


There is much discussion today about whether economic growth is desirable. At an earlier p
eriod, our desire for material wealth may have been justified. Now, howerer, this desire for more than we need is causing serious problems. Even though we have good intentions, we may be producing too much, too fast.

Those who criticize economic growth argue that we must slow down. They believe that society is approaching certain limits on growth. These include the fixed supply of natural resources, the possible negative effects of industry on the natural environment, and the continuing increase in the world's population. As society reaches these limits, economic growth can no longer continue, and the quality of life will decrease.

People who want more economic growth, on the other hand, argue that even at the present growth rate there are still many poor people in the world. These proponents of economic growth believe that only more growth can create the capital needed to improve the quality of life in the world. Furthermore, they argue that only continued growth can provide the financial resources required to protect our natural surroundings from industrialization.

This debate over the desirability of continued economic growth is of vital importance to business and industry. If those who argue against economic growth are correct, the problems they mention cannot be ignored. To find a solution, economists and the business community must pay attention to these problems and continue discussing them with one another.

What is this passage primarily concerned with?

A.The problems caused by economic growth.

B.The desirability of economic growth.

C.The desire for more material wealth.

D.The limits of economic growth.

阅读理解:Thank you for your interest in Calibre Cassette (盒式录音带) library. This le

阅读理解:Thank you for your interest in Calibre Cassette (盒式录音带) library. This letter tells you about our service. With it we are sending you an application form, so that you can join if you would like to try it. Calibre library aims to provide the pleasure of reading to anyone who cannot read ordinary printed books because of sight problems. We currently have over 7,000 books available for reading for pleasure, including 1,000 specially for children. All our books are recorded cover-to-cover on ordinary cassettes and can be played on any cassette players. They are sent and returned by post, free of charge

When we receive your application, we will send you a book and an information tape. They will explain how to use the service. The easy way to use Calibre library is to tell us what sorts of books you like, and we will keep you supplied with books we think you will enjoy. Or you can send us a list of books you would like to read, and we will then send you books from this list whenever possible. In that case you will need to use our website, or buy one or more of our catalogues (目录).

21. According to the first paragraph, the library sends the application form. to the readers so that they can ________.

A) read ordinary books

B) order cassette players

C) buy Calibre cassettes

D) use the library service

22. Calibre library provides service mainly for people who suffer from ________.

A) hearing difficulties

B) mental illnesses

C) sight problems

D) heart troubles

23. The service of sending and returning books by post is ________.

A) not available to children

B) paid by the users

C) free of charge

D) not provided

24. The easy way to use the library service is to ________.

A) inform. the library of your name and address

B) tell the library the sorts of books you like

C) buy the catalogues of the library

D) ask the library to buy the books

25. The main purpose of this letter is to ________.

A) introduce the library’s service to readers

B) recommend new books to the readers

C) send a few catalogues to readers

D) express thanks to the readers

Passage ThreeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. The physicist investig

Passage Three

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

The physicist investigating the relationship between time and space, the chemist exploring the properties of a new substance, the biologist probing the mysteries of the continuity of life. and the anthropologist(人类学家)searching for human origins share a common trait(特征), curiosity. Not that nonscientist are not curious;most people possess this characteristic. The scientist, however, uses a specific method to make researches into these enigmatic(难以理解的)problems-the scientific method.

Unfortunately, science and its method are misunderstood, the multiplication of our knowledge in medicine and technology has led to the idea that science can cure all and explain all and that only enough time, money and intelligence are needed. In truth. science cannot provide all answers. In fact, many phenomena are not even subject to scientific explanations.

On the other side of the coin, science has been attacked as a cause of most contemporary problems. It is said to be responsible for the depersonalization(使失去个性)of the individual, for stripping(夺去)creativity from human behavior, and for creating massive threats to the species through the development of nuclear power, insecticides, and polluting machinery. If we analyze the situation, we can see that it was not the original intent of the people who developed computers to debase humankind, nor was mass production proposed as a method to crush creativity. It is what society, policymakers especially, does with scientific achievements that makes them social or antisocial. There is nothing inherently good or bad about science.

Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?

A. Scientists and their curiosity.

B. Science and scientific method.

C. Understandings of science.

D. Misunderstandings of science.

?Read the article below about the central problem of Economics.?Choose the best word to fi

?Read the article below about the central problem of Economics.

?Choose the best word to fill each gap, from A, B, C or D.

?For each question 19—33,mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

?There is an example at the beginning.

The Central Problem of Economics

The central problem of economics is to satisfy the people's and nation's wants.

The problem we are faced with is that our resources, here identified as money, are limited. The only way we can resolve our problem is to make choices. After looking at our resources, we must examine our list of (19) and identify the things we need immediately, those we can postpone, and (20) we cannot afford. As individuals, we face the central problem involved in economics deciding just how to allocate (分配) our limited resources to provide (21) with the greatest satisfaction of our wants. Nations face the same problem. As a country's population grows the need for more goods and services grows correspondingly. Resources necessary to production may increase, but there (22) are enough re sources to satisfy the total desires of a nation. Whether the budget meeting is taking place in the family (23) room, in the conference room of the corporation (24) of directors, or in the chamber of the House of Representatives in Washington, the basic problem still exists. We need to find methods of allocating limited resources in order to satisfy unlimited wants.

A short time ago economists (25) goods into two categories, free and economic. The former, like air and water, were in (26) abundance that economists had no concern for them. After all, economics is the (27) of scarcity (匮乏) and what to do about it. Today many of these "free goods" are (28) very expensive to use. Pollution has made clean air and water expensive for producers who have to filter their waste products, for consumers who ultimately (最终) (29) the producers' extra costs, and (30) taxpayers who pay for the government's involvement in cleaning the environment.

In the 1990s, almost all goods are (31) Only by effort and money can they be obtained in the form. people wish.

Meeting the needs of people and froming resources available (32) the basic activity of production. In trying to meet (33) wants from limited economic goods, production leads to new problems in economics.






Robots May Allow Surgery in Space Small robots designed by University of Nebraska research

Robots May Allow Surgery in Space

Small robots designed by University of Nebraska researchers may allow doctors on Earth to help perform. surgery on patients in space.

The tiny, wheeled robots, (51)are about 3 inches tall and as wide as a lipstick case, can be slipped into small incisions(切口)and computer-controlled by surgeons in different locations. Some robots are equipped(52)cameras and lights and can send images back to surgeons and others have surgical tools attached that can be(53)remotely.

“We think this is going to (54)open surgery, ”Dr Dmitry Oleynikov said at a news conference. Oleynikov is a (55)in computer-assisted surgery at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha.

Officials hope that NASA will teach(56)to use the robots soon enough so that surgeries could one day be performed in space.

On earth, the surgeons could control the robots themselves(57)other locations. For example, the robots could enable surgeons in other places to (58)on injured soldiers on the front line. Researchers plan tp seek federal regulatory(59)early nest year. Tests on animals have been successful, and tests on humans in England will begin very soon.

The camera-carrying robots can provide(60)of affected areas and the ones with surgical tools will be able to maneuver(操控)inside the body in ways surgeons' hands can't. The views from the camera-carrying robots are (61)than the naked eye, because they(62)back color images that are magnified(放大). Because several robots can be inserted through one incision, they could reduce the amount and (63)of cuts needed for surgery, which would decrease recovery time. This is particularly(64)to those patients who have been debilitated(使虚弱)by long illness.

Eventually, Oleynikov said, the tiny robots may enable surgeons to work without ever(65)their hands in patients' bodies. “That's the goal, ”Oleynikov said. “It's getting easier and easier. We can do even more with these devices. ”





Read the article below about the central problem of Economics.Choose the best word to fill

Read the article below about the central problem of Economics.

Choose the best word to fill each gap, from A, B, C or D.

For each question 19—33, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

There is an example at the beginning.

The Central Problem of Economics

The central problem of economics is to satisfy the people's and nation's wants.

The problem we are faced with is that our resources, here identified as money, are limited. The only way we can resolve our problem is to make choices. After looking at our resources, we must examine our list of(19)…and identify the things we need immediately, those we can postpone, and(20)…we cannot afford. As individuals, we face the central problem involved in economics—deciding just how to allocate (分配)our limited resources to provide(21)…with the greatest satisfaction of our wants.

Nations face the same problem. As a country's population grows the need for more goods and services grows correspondingly. Resources necessary to production may increase, but there(22)…are enough resources to satisfy the total desires of a nation. Whether the budget meeting is taking place in the family(23) …room, in the conference room of the corporation (24)…of directors, or in the chamber of the House of Representatives in Washington, the basic problem still exists. We need to find methods of allocating limited resources in order to satisfy unlimited wants.

A short time ago economists(25)…goods into two categories, free and economic. The former, like air and water, were in(26)…abundance that economists had no concern for them. After all, economics is the(27)…of scarcity(匮乏)and what to do about it. Today many of these " free goods" are(28)…very expensive to use. Pollution has made clean air and water expensive for producers who have to filter their waste products, for consumers who ultimately(最终)(29)…the producers' extra costs, and(30)…taxpayers who pay for the government's involvement in cleaning the environment.

In the 1990s, almost all goods are (31)…Only by effort and money can they be obtained in the form. people wish.

Meeting the needs of people and froming resources available (32)… the basic activity of production. In trying to meet(33)…wants from limited economic goods, production leads to new problems in economics.






Thousands of teachers at the elementary, secondary, and college levels can testify that th
eir students' writing exhibits a tendency toward a superficiality that Wash't seen, say 10 or 15 years ago. It shows up not only in their lack of analytical skills, but in poor command of grammar and rhetoric. I've been asked by a graduate student what a semicolon is. The mechanics of the English language have been tortured to pieces by TV. Visual, moving images—which are the venue of television—can't be held in the net of careful language. They want to break out. They really have nothing to do with language, grammar, and rhetoric, and they have become fractured.

Recent surveys by dozens of organizations also suggest that up to 40% of the American public is functionally illiter- ate. That is, our citizens' reading and writing abilities, if they have any, are impaired so seriously as to render them, in that handy jargon of our times, dysfunctional. The reading is taught - TV teaches people not to read. It renders them incapable of engaging in an activity that now is perceived as strenuous, because it is not a passive hypnotized state.

Passive as it is, television has invaded our culture so completely that the medium's effects are evident in every quarter, even the literary world. It shows up in supermarket paperbacks, from Stephen King (who has a certain clever skill) to pulp fiction. These really are forms of verbal TV-literature that is so superficial that those who read it can revel in the same sensations they experience when watching television:

Even more importantly, the growing influence of television, Keman says, has changed people's habits and values and affected their assumptions about the world. The sort of reflective, critical, and value laden thinking encouraged by books has been rendered obsolete. In this context, we would do well to recall the Cyclops—the race of giants that, according to Greek myth, predated man.

Quite literally, TV affects the way people think. In Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television, Jerry Mander quotes from the Emery Report, prepared by the Center for Continuing Education at the Australian National University, Canberra, that, when we watch television, "our usual processes of thinking and discernment are semi-functional at best. "The study also argues that, "while television appears to have the potential to provide useful information to viewers-and is celebrated for its educational function—the technology of television and the inherent nature of the viewing experience actually inhibit learning as we usually think of it. "

The first paragraph implies_____.

A.10 or 15 years ago people seldom wrote

B.the English grammar and rhetoric can be taught on TV

C.thousands of teachers are reluctant to admit their students' inability to write

D.TV ruins students' ability to write

Anything else? ()A. We provide education relating to depression and anxiety.B.First, we

Anything else? ()

A. We provide education relating to depression and anxiety.

B.First, we provide education relating to depression and anxiety.

C. Moreover, we provide education relating to depression and anxiety.

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